Friday, May 3, 2013


Why can't jobs be as easy to find in the real world as they are in a video game. If I go up to any random person in Skyrim, chances are, they will have a job for me to do. It might be a fetch quest, it might be a delivery quest, but it's a job all the same. It's simple, it's easy, and it pays money. Why can't I just go up to a business manager and say, "Can I have a job?" and then he will say, "Of course lad. I need you to go get this thing for me. Do you accept? Y/N"

I don't know why he said "Y/N", but even still! It really shouldn't be this hard to find a job. It just shouldn't. There should be some place where I can go to just find a job. Like the Chantry board in Dragon Age: Origins. It's like the Craig's list of Ferelden. It's just easy for me to walk up there with my crew, pick a job, and get to it. Simple as that. Maybe it's because I don't have a crew. And I'm not a rogue. And I'm not level 38.

I could always resort to stealing. I made bank as a member of the thieves guild. Though, where am I going to find a thieves guild in my town? It's not like the Assassin guilds of the Assassin's Creed series, where they just seem to be popping up everywhere like some kind of fast food chain. I could try and make money like Ezio Auditore does it, though he was an Italian Noble and just bought up every run down business he could find with his blood money like it was a game of Monopoly.

Finding work is tough.

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