Tuesday, May 14, 2013

It's been a while....

So, yes! Indeed it has been quite some time since I have updated my blog. For shame. Yet! I am still ever persistent to continue to write.

I find that in times of boredom and woe,
I go back to the games that I used to know.
A game called Mass Effect
Wherein I can erect
My own kind of hero
Full of hate, or respect
Her name is called Shepard
Though her first matters not
Off to a Prothean dig site
Where I meet Ashley, who's not all that hot
Geth robots swarm the ground
gunning down humans
leaving dead bodies all around
What's this?
I exclaim
A lazy factory worker taking the piss?
Napping behind crates and barrels
While my Turian friend takes a shot from his who doesn't miss
This poem isn't that good
it's been a while since I've done one
It's rather chilly, I'll pull up my hood.

Sorry, I just watched some video about video game poetry, and got into the spirit of things.

All the same, I've gone back to retreading the Mass Effect Series.

Mass Effect is an iconic franchise that made it's way on to the Xbox360 about two thousand ought seven, and was immediately a smash hit. The game created a believable and fantastical world that players could get lost in and one heck on a bad guy that made you want to hunt him down across the entire galaxy and end him. Which is exactly what you do.

I love the Mass Effect series and I always find myself going back to it whenever. This time around, I've decided to do a straight play through of all three games sequentially. To make it even more difficult, I'm doing my best to complete a Renegade run. For those of you who don't know, Renegade is when you make bad guy, or rather, jerk like decisions and actions. Being a renegade in the Mass Effect universe is difficult for me, heck even in this universe it's difficult for me. I always feel empathy towards the characters in the game, even if they're jerks I still feel for them.

Mass Effect is a totally awesome game that needs to be played by all. So good in fact that I wrote a bad poem about it. Either way, it's still a good game. What games do you find yourself going back to when you don't know what to play, or what games have you challenged yourself into marathoning through?

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