Friday, July 1, 2011

Review: Star Fox Command (DS)

Star Fox Command brings that star fighter we all know and love to the DS. So, now we can take him on the go! But is it any good?

Yes. Quite a bit. The controls work very well, and are easy to understand. Steer with the touchpad, press any button to shoot. Al of the familiar mechanics are there from previous Star Fox games. They are just changed up to fit the game, and they fit like a glove. Bombs are no longer fired from the ship directly, in stead they are dropped in, like an air strike. On the touch pad, players have a view of a radar that tells them the locations of all the different enemies on the map. Player can pick up a bomb from their inventory and drop it anywhere on the grid. Players my predict where certain enemies will be so have the most effective strike. The charge shot is also there and works the same way, but this time around, the longer the player targets an enemy the more powerful the charged shot will be come. The barrel roll makes a return as well. All players have to do is draw a quick circle on the touchpad and away you go. Barrel rolling draws from the boost gauge, so it can only last for a little while, as doing the barrel roll is no longer just a single barrel roll. Barrel roll. A large majority of the game takes place on small arenas, as opposed to the rail that is the case with a majority of other Star Fox games. Switching to all range mode!

The story of Star Fox Command is one that you write out yourself. Players can make decisions on what happens next in the story in a sort of “choose your own adventure” kind of way. By doing this, players can drastically alter the events that transpire throughout the events of their play through. So much so, that it can even change who the players control in the coarse of the game. This feature alone warrants multiple play throughs, aside from it’s addicting and deep gameplay.

The sound and graphics are actually pretty good for a DS game. The detail and textures of the various environments look very good and make each environment distinguishable from the others, despite the occasional recycling of a few levels with different color pallet swaps. The soundtrack is that of traditional Star Fox games, same old songs, but I can’t really complain. The sound design is also the same as previous Star Fox games, but no complains. I love the classic sounds of Star Fox. Even the “voices” of the characters sound similar to the original Star Fox on Super Nintendo.

All in all, Star Fox Command is an instant classic and a necessary addition to your DS library. Addicting gameplay that’s familiar, easy to pick up, and gameplay that has lastability. It may just be a game to keep for the car trips, but it’s completely worth it. Pick it up if you can.