Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Mass Effect is Racist.,

The first mass effect game wasn’t necessarily triumph in my mind, but it’s still one of my favorite games of all time. What I like about it so much is the way that it introduces the player to this new galaxy. This new universe, that is in peril. And guess what. In come the humans, american humans, who all speak English. But so do the aliens, so no biggie I suppose. Either way, this is turning into a racism argument against mass effect for some reason, and it shouldn’t because the whole aspect of race is thrown right out the window with the fact that there are extraterrestrial beings everywhere. I mean, there are some culture things that come up in mass effect, but they’ve all got to do with the humans, I suppose it would be a bit much to ask for the developers of mass effect to think of different continents and different cultures and subcultures within the aliens. Because, wow! That would be a lot of work. But I still love the mass effect series. I do love the different alien races, no matter how single raced they seem to be. Also, there’s only one race of aliens that you see in the game that have females, which turns out to be a race of aliens that are entirely female. So that’s weird, but I can’t really imagine a female turian. I just couldn’t imagine what the fairer sex would look like, and apparently neither could the developers. But again, that’s ok. Whatever, I love it all the same.
I think the main thing that gets me with mass effect is the whole galaxy. That’s not to say that everything in the game is the best thing ever. I’m talking about the different planets. I’m talking about the different places that you visit. I’m talking about the environments. And oh the places you’ll go. What a wonderful thing. To travel the galaxy. I just wish that there was more to do on all of the planets than just the limited space that you get on each one. If they expand the universe, which I’m sure they will because it would be a safe bet (LAME!), they should have it be on a certain planet. And have it remain there. The citadel itself has five different legs(?) to it which are all about the size of manhattan island, and how many video games have we played that just take place in new york city? Where as that place only has 3 different locations to visit, only one of them being a bustling metropolis, the citadel has five. BAM! Take that reality! Anyhow, the citadel is where they would most likely go. I would. Well… actually I wouldn’t. I would go to either omega, or illium. Both of those places where my favorite in Mass Effect 2, which is my favorite game in the series, because of it’s environments. I loved the environments! So much. Exploration was a big part of the game for me. And it should be in a game all about space exploration and saving said space. It makes sense. Commander shepard was basically a tourist with a gun. I love it! Either way, bioware drew me in so much with it’s awesome places that I could visit. They were all so engaging. From what I’ve read in the mass effect books, omega was supposed to be a cluster fuck of a living situation. But, bioware designed it a bit differently than I imagined, which is fine by me because I get Closter phobic. Back in 1 and 2 they still had the writer drew karpishyn. or, however you spell his name. Why I mention that is because it was his vision to make Omega like that. So, we're all good. However, my favorite place of all to visit in the mass effect universe is illium.
Illium was badass in my mind. I don’t know why, but illium, as a planet, seemed like it should have had more natural elements to it. But it didn’t. it didn’t at all! Which is badass! Like humanity, the alien races have completely overridden the natural environments with towering skyscapers and metropolises. I don’t know why I would think that I would see a patch of dirt on this planet. The description of illium is all about how it’s a fringe planet. How it’s on the edge of citadel space, and how it’s a major trading port for outlaws. FANTASTIC! This place is a dream! It’s a civilized place that has many refined qualities to it, yet is full of danger! This is a perfect place for commander shepard and me. I just wanted to spend as much time as I possibly could there. While the space was limited to just the two major areas and a bar, which sounds like a crap sitcom, I just had to spend my time there. It was a wonder to behold all the different transactions that were taking place in the market district, some legal purchases, some not so much. Over hearing the customer and the sales person discuss prices and tastes, gave you a feel for the galaxy, and the people that were around you. Like the volus that wanted to redecorate his living space so that it would make him look more powerful, or the salarian and the asari out on a date, trying to purchase something for the asaris mother. Or the two asari talking discussing a deal of a product with questionable legalities. It’s fantastic! And then, when you head up to the bar, there’s a bachelor party. The groom to be is not having any of it, and just wants to go back home, while his human and turian buddies want to stay and watch the asari pay for her student loans, if you know what I mean… then there’s the side quest that you find in the bar with the slave trader and the quarian. This reinforces the fact that you’re not exactly in the friendliest of places. And the fact that your once best friend, Liara, is now a cold-blooded ghost face killah! When you first walk in on her, she’s threatening a client of hers the same way that her evil indoctrinated mother threatened you in the first game! That shi cray! So, this once lovable and sort of naïve doe-eyed asari, has now become this mean and powerful information broker who doesn’t like to have any payments missed. This is the other thing that I love so much about number two, and why it’s my favorite. The first game introduced the player to the galaxy and all of the characters on your ship happened to be an encyclopedia of knowledge regarding their particular race. I remember a majority of conversation with my alien crewmembers revolving around their race, and their traditions and their peoples. Nothing about the character, it seemed, was really conveyed. Well that‘s not true, garrus and wrex were, and still are total badasses. But, that’s what I remember. ME2 took those characters and made them just that: characters. I guess they realized that you’ve spent a lot of time talking to your alien crew and learning all you could about these sadly nonexistent races, now to get on with the characters as individuals and not databanks. So, garrus became more of a badass, wrex became a responsible leader, tali because an expert explorer and soldier. Liara turned into a murderous information broker, who is a total badass in the Shadow Broker DLC. Yet, kaiden, or Ashley, whoever you let live. Change as well, seeing that you’re working with cerberus. But the fact is that all of these characters have changed and they’ve really come into their own. They develop different aspects to them. And I love it so much! There’s a lot of love going on in this rant, but hey isn’t that all you need? Either way, Mass Effect 2 was way better than one, and even better than three because it had impressive engaging environments that had character and where so enveloping, that you just wanted to know everything about them. And Mass Effect 2 had characters that were likable, or dislikable, and they had character, they had depth, they had problems, all of which you had to solve, they had regrets they had sorrows they had ambitions. They had all of these things, and it made you care for them. So rather than getting together with one of the aliens, because you wanted to go on some sort of sexual quest to sleep with every race in the known galaxy, you hooked up with these characters because you actually liked them and because you cared for them. You found yourself spending more time with one character than another because you enjoyed the conversations that you would have with them. That was the kind of world that I wanted to be in. that was the kind of universe that I wanted to be in. and bioware made me believe that there were aliens out there and that they were this cool. In fact, bioware made me believe that if there were aliens out there, they would be these races, and my hours and hours of playing these mass effect games would prepare me for interaction with them because I would know everything about them before they even spoke to me. And it would be awesome! I’m Commander Pell, and I love Mass Effect 2.
Funny thought: Commander Shepard spends the entirety of the game trying to build up the trust and loyalty of his crew, but will quickly sell out his loyalty for a 10% discount at a kiosk in the citadel, what up with that?

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