Thursday, June 2, 2016

"It's Just A Game"

As we go through life, we experience much. We live, we learn, we love, we hurt. It's all part of the process of growing up. Along with growing up, we're also raised on certain things. Whether that's Star Wars, Disney Movies, Saturday morning cartoons, video games, or any other thing to keep us entertained. While a majority of society will see these things as merely for children, it impacts us in a way that they just don't seem to comprehend.

For me, video games are a huge part of me. They are so much more than a pass time. Video games have strongly affected me in the way that I think, solve problems, prioritize, work, and play. Games have changed my life. Games have SAVED my life. They mean something to me. For people to dismiss video games as simply a waste of time is to dismiss me as an individual. I have spent so much time with video games that they are a part of me I adore video games. I see them as something more than what others see. I find obscure angles and insight that others can't see right away. I have a very close relationship with my video games. They are a part of me. It isn't simply a way to spend an afternoon. I wouldn't say that is an investment, though it might be if my dreams come true and I become a video game journalist, but rather an appreciation of the medium of video games.

I find that too often people who aren't really a part of this generation, or into different fandoms don't quite grasp the emotion that we feel when we are around something that we love. I think back to when Jeremy Renner, the actor who plays Hawkeye in the Avengers movies, made an offhand comment about Black Widow's character. The internet, as it tends to do, exploded with rage. I didn't much care for his comments either, but I understood where the internet was coming from. These characters in the Marvel Universe have been around for a lot longer than these waves of movies have existed, and Black Widow is one of the more iconic characters. Heck, they all are. Fans of Black Widow look up to her character, they aspire to be like her. They appreciate her capacity to get the job done, and her confidence to accomplish her task. Black Widow is a really cool character! And when an actor who portrays one of those characters that fans look up to and admire is not invested into said character, simply because they are a work of fiction and they do not exist isn't the best thing for your image. Nor is it a very kind thing to say to fans of that character.

I've never met Luke Skywalker, but I feel like I know him because I've seen his journeys. I admire Luke Skywalker for his transformation from young, restless farm boy who longs for something more, to a Jedi master. I want to be like Luke. I want to be a Jedi. I want to be a force for good, and justice across the galaxy. While I can't actually travel across the galaxy and use a light saber, I can still take a few notes from Luke's book. The Jedi are not a real thing, but they are made up of things from this world. The Jedi are protectors of those who cannot defend for themselves, they fight against those who would do harm to the innocent, and they bring peace and balance wherever they go. I think that those are some things to aspire to. I'd like to live my life like a Jedi. I may not be able to move objects using the force, or pilot an X-Wing fighter, but I can do my best to protect those who can't protect themselves.

Art is something that is made to make a statement. It is something that is created by the artist to leave their mark on the world. It is a message to its audience to impact or influence them in someway. Sometimes for good, some for bad. But art is still something that affects every single one of us, and to deny that impact simply because it's "made up", or "just a video game (movie, tv show, cartoon, book)" is so harmful. People need heroes. They need someone to look up to. We can't all be Captain America or Superman, but we can try to follow their example and do what is right. These characters are models of virtue... well, not always, but they still have values that are worth fighting for. I can't always rely on the people in my life to show me what is right or wrong. We're human, after all. But these fictional characters, that can be crafted to be the very ideas of truth, justice, and righteousness can be a better role model.

So, no, it is not just a video game, it is not just a movie, it is not just a TV show, it is not just a comic or cartoon. It is something that is a part of us, and we look up to and aspire to be. We love our passions. We love our fandoms. We love our heroes. They may not be real, but they stand for something that is, and we can do our part by aspiring to be like them.

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