Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Day Zero (E3)

Day Zero of E3 is the day that all of the big companies have their press conferences. I've always enjoyed watching them online, and speculating each of their presentations and the games that they have to offer. I've never attended one of these events before, but this year I had the opportunity, and gosh darn it I was going to.

First up was Microsoft. As I was merely an attendee of E3, I didn't know where the conference was being held, only when. I got my schedule of the days events through a paused video on YouTube that had the companies and times laid out in a clear format. Again, only the when. However, through some internet sleuthing, I found out the where. Oddly enough, it was on a Wikipedia article. With the aid of Google Maps, I was on my way out the door. I ended up at the back of the line, as many members of the press had gotten there early to be punctual and grab a good seat. However, the building had reached capacity. When this happened, a man in a suit walked to the back of the line and asked everyone to follow him in an orderly fashion. I and the other would be attendees were led through a series of concrete halls to get to the entrances into the great hall where the conference was already underway. Some of us were lined up, standing shoulder to shoulder. It felt like I was on the receiving end of a firing squad, as the eyes of more well dressed people with Microsoft badges scanned us over with judgmental eyes for not being on time. I had the inkling in the back of my neck to make a break for it, and dash into the auditorium to see the conference. I was so close. The entry way was right there, and I could hear the booming sound from the trailers they were showing. I could see the scene from every movie where the panicked soldier runs from the line-up and gets shot in the back. I knew that if I were to make a similar move, I would have been thrown right out and I wouldn't have been able to see the show at all. Patiently I waited as the officials began counting us off. The first set of counting ended with me at number fourteen. What a serendipitous moment as that was the same number that I was at the Nintendo World Championships. In fact the number was still on the wrist band I was wearing. I and the thirteen others were lead into the stadium, and I was so excited I couldn't help but shout "I made it in!" out loud. I ended up being seated in the farthest seat from the stage, but there was a landing up front that I could see myself sitting on. I leaned over and asked the man who was watching the entrance if I could make my way up there. He seemed a bit confused at first, but didn't see a problem with it. Thus, my viewing of the Microsoft Press Conference was happening. It was a very exciting time, as it was my first ever press conference to see live. These press conferences are like KISS shows for gamers. Special effects, and big names in the industry all come out onto the stage and show off their new games with attractive screenshots and buzzwords. I was so excited the whole time. Unlike watching an event like this from home, where I was safe behind my TV screen, I let myself go to the hype, and every reaction that I had was amplified by a million. It was a great conference.

Next up: EA. EA is most known for their sports franchises. However, this year I was really looking forward to anything that I could see of Star Wars: Battlefront. I have been eagerly awaiting anything that I could see in regards to that game. I wanted to make sure that it had the same sort of feeling as the games that me and my brother played together. Yet, I had to wait until the end of the show. I ended up showing up a half hour late because, again, I didn't know where the conference was being held. After the Microsoft Press Conference, I was asking around to anyone whose attention I could get about the location of the next conference. Most people didn't reply, or told me that they weren't going. Though, I feel as though they all abided by the rule of: "If you have to ask, you're not supposed to be there". I decided that I would just follow the huge throng of journalist that were making there way away from the Microsoft Press Conference. Some got in taxis, others took personal transportation, but most of them just walked. I caught up with the group, and happened upon two men who were from Kotaku.com. I didn't know that at the time, I was busy making my way to catch up with the rest of the people who were making their way to what I thought was going to be the EA press conference. I overheard one of the two men say that they had blown up Mars and the Moon, and I was curious as to what he was talking about. It turns out that he was talking about Destiny, and so we ended up talking about video games and the like until we reached the Los Angeles Convention Center. We parted ways, as they told me they were going to wait for the Sony Press Conference later on that day. I ended up searching the convention center looking for some information for the location of where the press conference would be held. I eventually made my way to the media registration office and help desk. Without question, the woman at the help desk opened up a binder with the times, locations, and names of the companies that would be having their press conferences, and she let me take photos of them so I would have them. With that knowledge, I set out with Google Maps as my guide. I boarded a bus, and made my way to the EA Press Conference. Because of my dawdling, I showed up a half hour late. However, they slapped a wrist band on me and let me go in. I watched the rest of the conference from the wings of the hall, and was in awe of the new games that were being shown off.

I squealed like a little girl after seeing the gameplay of Star Wars Battlefront. I was so excited to see actual gameplay of the game that I had been looking forward to for so long was coming to fruition. I may have over done it with my reaction, but hey, it was my first E3. However, when the press conference was done, I was approached by a member of DICE, the company that is currently developing the new Star Wars Battlefront game. She wanted to set up an interview with Sigurlina Ingvarsdottir, the woman who was presenting Battlefront on stage during the press conference. Unfortunately it didn't pan out, because of her busy schedule during E3. Still, though, how awesome would that be if I got that interview? Either way, after the press conference was finished there was a panel involving a few people that were just on stage during the press conference. I decided to stick around for that, rather than try and sneak into the Ubisoft Press Conference. It turns out that I made a solid choice, as I got a good look into the day to day of developing video games. Hearing the stories that they told gave EA a more human aspect. These people really do care about the games that they are making, and that made me happy. They do it because they care about what they are doing, and not because they are just trying to make a paycheck.

After the panel had ended, it was time for me to make my way to the Sony Press Conference. I decided to walk there, because I had a good amount of time to spare. When I finally did arrive, the party had already begun. Sony's Press Conference was by far the most welcoming. The only issue that I had was that they searched my backpack and I had to throw out my energy drinks that I had planned to drink that week to stay awake during the floor hours. However, Sony allowed its attendees to have food and drink. So, I shouldn't complain about having to ditch my energy drinks. After I got my food, after having been cut in front of by a guy who looked like Orlando Jones, and passing by a table with a guy who looked a lot like Rupert Grint, I sat down with some podcasters from Norway. They were some cool dudes, and we were talking about the other press conferences that had happened that day. When the time came for everyone to move into the theater, I quickly gathered up my things and moved straight towards the entrance. I got in line with the mass of people heading in the same direction, and I made sure that I wouldn't have anyone cut in front of me, as with the food stand. When I got inside the building, I moved towards the stage towards the seating that was on the ground level. This was an amazing moment for me, because I was actually attending a press conference. I didn't have to sneak or lie my way in, I was supposed to be there, and it was amazing. Many games were announced, both new and old. And from left field came an announcement that blew me away. Shenmue 3. This game came out of nowhere, and left me... well, like this:

I was left in that state because I was so happy to see that the vision of Yu Suzuki had finally come to be realized. The game that he had been working on for so long will finally get to be finished. It was a shame to see such a visionary of the video game industry have doors slammed in his face, but now through this kickstarter, it would finally come to fruition. Sure, there may not be a release date, but it will be coming. The same thing could be said for the Final Fantasy Remake. Both of these games are a long time coming, but when they are released, I hope that the developers will have taken their time to ensure that it is the game that they wanted to make.

The Sony Press Conference was by far the strongest and most exciting of all the conferences that day, and it was a perfect end to an eventful day.

I do apologize for how long this post was, and how long it took me to write it. I wanted to talk about my experience with E3, and not do some kind of review or roundup of the days events. As I've said before, this was my first E3, and it was an amazing experience. I want to share that as much as I can with all of you. Thank you for taking the time to read it.

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