Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Video Games Are Freedom


I think that it is in human nature to want to go out to different places and explore, achieve, and just do a bunch of stuff. Video games allow players to do this. Because $60 is cheaper than most plane tickets, I'd say that video games are worth the price of admission.

But, about the video... The video mentions that video games can be used, somewhat, as a vacation. A form of stress relief that isn't often discussed when it comes to the topic of video games. Mostly, when it comes to the subject of stress relief and video games, the topic generally goes towards free reigning violence. However, we, as humans, generally don't want to kill our fellow man. Instead, we would rather see someplace beautiful, or different, and explore and do things that we normally wouldn't do. Video games offer a lot to do in the virtual locations that they build. Grand Theft Auto V offers the aforementioned hiking, biking, golfing, racing, flying, darts, and so much more. Players can take a walk around Los Santos and pretty much just hang out. The game is a vacation in itself. Los Santos is a place that is full of character, and somewhere I want to visit.

Humans have the desire to explore, discover, and learn.The game Skyrim has ruins for players to explore. The land of Skyrim is filled with religion, politics, culture, regions, races, traditions, classes, and many different things that make up a believable world. In a sense, players can go on vacation in the world of Skyrim, and slay a few dragons while they are there. World famous game designer Shigeru Miyamoto was influenced by his childhood, and a cave in the woods that he was too scared to go into. Miyamoto finally mustered up the courage to go in and explore, and from that he created The Legend of Zelda.

I've never been one to play video games under stress. It has never felt right. I play them all the time to procrastinate. However, I've never gone on a violent rampage in a video game to relieve stress. Video games have always been about the experience for me. They are enjoyable, playable things that I love to spend time with. Even if it is something as simple as Mario Kart, I'm still transported to a different place. That's fun, and that's one of the many reasons that I love video games. Even in states of depression, I've never turned to video games for comfort. That would be, as the video puts it, suppressive. It puts a damper on the experience if you're feeling down. Whether real or virtual, your vacation is lacking because of a bad mood. video games are a way to express yourself and experience new things that are impossible.

While I wouldn't say that video game worlds are real, they do offer a new experience. People always seem to rag on gamers for their reclusive nature, and claim that they are a waste of time. Though, the exploration aspect that they have, offer a wealth of experience. World of Warcraft is the most popular MMORPG on the market, and millions of people have connected through it. In the game, players explore the world of Azeroth. Players come across impossible structures, mythological beasts, and enchanting environments. All the while meeting new players, and maybe making some real world friends. Does that sound like a waste of time to you?

What game world do you like to hang around in? Let me know in the comments!

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