Monday, April 29, 2013

New Console Speculation

I'm sure that you've heard that the new consoles are coming out in the new future. Sony had recently made their announcement of their new console, the PS4. They showed off their new controller, which brought about some interesting ideas on how they will use some of the unique features. Like that share button, oh boy, have I wanted to constantly update my friends on Facebook about my gamerscore. However, they also boasted the new specs for the console, though they didn't show off the console itself, but I don't see how that matters much. In both respects, the power of the console nor the look of the console has ever really mattered, unless it's the N64 with it's multi-colored transparent systems.

I've had a couple of conversations with Sony supporters about the new Sony PS4, and they were bragging about the power and capability of the new console. In reality, the consoles have about as much power as a low to mid range gaming computer. However, console power has never been a factor in the sale and superiority of different consoles. What matters in the console game is the exclusivity of the titles that it has in its roster. I don't really think that the Playstation would be what it is if not for games like Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy, Jak and Daxter, Ratchet and Clank, Shadow of the Colossus, and many, many more. Those games make up what the Playstation, and its fanbase, is. The Playstation 3 is a great system, with a lot of innovative and good titles. However, from a sales point of view, it shrinks compared to the number of Xbox 360s sold. Though that is nothing compared to the sales of the Nintendo Wii, which blew both of them out of the water. However, most core gamers will agree that either of the consoles are superior to the Wii, in regards to specific titles and franchises that belong to their respective consoles.

The only argument were the specs of a particular gaming platform should come into play is when discussing PC games. No console game has system requirements printed on the side of the box. Because it doesn't matter what the game runs on, only how the game plays that makes it great on the console. PC games are great too, don't misunderstand me.

Power doesn't matter in the console game, games do.

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