Saturday, April 16, 2011

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic is the Greatest Game of all time!

Ok, it’s Saturday, which from this moment on will be the day that I pick a game and tell you why it is the best, or worst, game of all time. This week: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic.

Star Wars KOTOR is the greatest game of all time because it is the best Star Wars related experience that you can have in a video game. All the characters, the settings, and every single detail, right down to the sound of the blaster. This is a genuine classic Star Wars experience. Bioware, the developer of the game, is made up of true blue Star Wars fans, and their colors come out in the best way possible.

KOTORs gameplay is based on Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 rule books -- that’s awesome! It also makes gameplay easy. Players can pause the action and plot out the next four moves of every party member then press play and watch their plan unfold. There are few things more satisfying in a video game than when you execute a well thought out and effective plan in KOTOR. Also, being able to customize the color of your light saber and the armor of your characters, and actually see the changes visually and statistically is pretty cool.

KOTOR also takes players all across the Star Wars galaxy. All of the environments are unique and memorable. The different characters and situations that players encounter along the way all combine to make one heck of an experience wherever they go in the game. All of this, accompanied by a brand new score for the game along with the timeless John Williams composed classics, make KOTOR feel even more legitimate.

Not only are the characters that players encounter fantastic, but the members of your crew are even more so. A Mandalorian mercenary, an assassin droid, a grumpy old jedi, a wookie, a tiny little droid that only communicates through beeps and bloops, all of the classic characters are here. Each member of your crew has a back story and are so diverse they feel real. This game is basically the model that started Bioware on the path that they’re on today with Mass Effect and Dragon Age.

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic is the greatest game of all time because of its amazing gameplay, characters, story, environments, music, and even its brain teasing puzzles. KOTOR basically defines Bioware, and has taken them in a whole new direction, and it’s working for them.

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