That's quite a lot of games. In fact, here's the whole list of games, in no particular order:
Dragon age II
Deus Ex: human revolution
L.A. Noire
Pikmin 2
Second sight
Killer 7
Viewtiful joe
Eternal darkness
Beyond good and evil
Splinter cell chaos theory
Ninja gaiden
Shenmue 2
Kotor 2
Sly 2 band of thieves
Final fantasy X (Not Pictured because it's in my PS2)
We heart katamari
Jak x combat racing
The Simpsons game
Skies of Arcadia
Tom clancy's rainbow six
Super magnetic neo
Ecco the dolphin
Mdk 2
Toy commander
God of war. All of them
3d dot game heroes
Shadows of the damned
Lego pirates
Ratchet and clank: a crack in time
Ratchet and clank: future weapons
Ratchet and clank: up your arsenal
Naruto shipuden: ultimate ninja storm 2
Fall out new Vegas
Zelda: the phantom hourglass
Advance wars: dual strike
Phoenix wright: trials and tribulations
Donkey kong 64
Jet force Gemini
Star Wars: shadows of the empire
Paper Mario
Aerofighters: assault
Banjo kazooie
That's not counting the downloaded titles from PSN, XBLA, or Steam. I've got a lot of games to keep me for a while.
I've decided to start with Final Fantasy X, that's why it isn't in my gigantic stack of games. Reason being: is that I haven't said some nice things about Final Fantasy in the past, and I want to give Final Fantasy (and other JRPGs) another shot. So far, though, Final Fantasy is really good. I want to write a review of it for all of you.
Taking out my backlog of games, and actually playing through them is really refreshing, and not even in a nostalgic sort of way. Some of these games I bought just to have in my collection because they were heralded as masterpieces, and it turns out they are. I just sunk thirteen hours in Final Fantasy X, and I know that I'm no where near finished. My first thought was, "Normal games would be done by now." and not the fact that I had spent half a day playing a video game. Most games that I play end in about twelve to fourteen hours. That's modern game design, and that's not necessarily a good thing. For some games it works, others are cut far too short, most likely as a result of trying to hit a release date. Perhaps that's a topic for another time. Anyhow, I'm really enjoying Final Fantasy X, and am looking forward to writing a review of it. Apologies for the delay in updates.
Exciting announcement to come soon!
Said announcement will be a really big deal, and is the next step that I need to take to advance my career in video game journalism. It's always been my dream to be in the video game journalism industry, and all my friends and family have been extremely supportive of my drive and talent towards that goal. A friend of mine that I'm partnering up with will play a big part in this upcoming announcement, and it's going to be really big. I'm super excited, and I hope that all of you folks are as well.Here's hoping that everything goes well.
Fingers Crossed!
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