This is my 200th blog post! Yaaaaayy!!!!
While some of my posts are very old, and I wrote them long before I started to dedicate myself to this blog and practicing my craft more. I'd say that it still counts.
Either way.
I've been writing on this blog consistently for a while now, and I'm really proud of myself for doing so. It is not the most popular blog on the internet, and most of my personal friends forget that I even write this blog. However, that doesn't stop me from doing so. I really enjoy writing. It's my passion, and I know that there is room for improvement. Practice makes perfect, as they say, so I like to keep on writing. It's important to me that I do so, because I don't want to lose whatever edge that I've spent so much time developing. I kind of feel like a character in an MMO, where I am frequently told that only I can save the world, but there are seventeen thousand other characters of the same class who follow the same quest line and get told the exact same thing, and we all follow the same missions that can "change the tide of battle", but it doesn't make a difference one way or the other. It just feels kind of pointless at times, but whatever. I'm still having fun doing this.
There are lots of times when I don't update my blog, and I get pretty upset about it. At the end of the day, I just have to shrug it off. I missed a day. It isn't the end of the world. Besides, it isn't as though I can't update again, or write on a day that isn't when I had planned to write. Inspiration can strike at anytime, and that's when I like to write.
Often times, it does seem rather fruitless to continue to write on this blog, especially when I do such a poor job of sharing it around, but I like doing it. I play so many video games, and in reality they don't help me to get anything accomplished, but I have enjoyed myself. I just want to be happy at the end of the day, and if I can feel accomplished by making a blog post, or by playing some video games, then that should be enough. It's kind of difficult to be an adult these days. There's a lot of things that stress me out. I battle depression on a regular basis, and I'm only just making it by financially. Yet, there are still things that I can do to just be happy.
Happiness is a concept that we learn about when we are very young. At some point along the way, probably during school, we forget about being happy. We start to take ourselves seriously. We have responsibilities, and deadlines, and all of these things that stress us out. More often than not, we're worried, and we're just doing okay. It's difficult for us to say that we're happy. I love my video games, and I love this blog. I like spending time with people I care about, and I like having fun. It's kind of sad that I have to make time for those things, but it's really important that I do, because I should be happy. We all should. I don't think that it's worth working all the time, so that I can have money, so that I can work more, so that I can get more money, so that I just end up staying in this vicious cycle that doesn't leave any time for myself, or the things and people that I care about. Even the Bible says to keep the Sabbath holy. In other words: take a day off. Treat yourself. Enjoy life. Because so many of us are just existing. I know that I am. I have to fight to break that monotony of rhythmic routine. That's why I like video games. That's why I like writing. That's why I like spending time with other people. Because it breaks that routine where it becomes mind numbing.
I may have rambled for this post, but it felt good to do so. I know that life is difficult, and that it's hard to see the bright side sometimes, but also, we have to make the bright side. There's probably something that you can do today to make yourself just a little bit happier. Go be happy. It isn't childish. It isn't silly. It's something that we all need, and we all deserve.
I intend to keep on writing this blog, whether you read it or not, because it makes me happy, and I like doing it.
I enjoy reading your blog and always have. You write about a lot of things and perspectives. Keep on!