I find myself complaining a lot about kids these days and the games they have to play. What, with their Halos, and Calls to Duty. Yet, most kids that I find myself coming in contact with don't play either of those games, or anything of the sort. What I have found, is that they all like Minecraft.
Minecraft is a game that has taken the world by storm, for no discernible reason. The game came straight out of left field, and suddenly it's a household name. Why is that?
I think it's because we, as people, enjoy building stuff. We like to put in the hard work, and we like to use our imagination to be able to say "Look what I made!" That's exciting, and the kids love it. There is something special about building up your fortress in Minecraft, and admiring all of the work that you've put into it. Exploring to find the resources, digging them up, fighting off the mobs, avoiding falling in lava, and finally making it back to get to work. Minecraft may be a really boring game to watch, but it is a thrill to play. You can level the entire world of Minecraft, just so that you can make whatever kind of structure, or sculpture your heart desires. From that, there is a sense of accomplishment.You put in the work, and the hours, the blood sweat and tears to build what you had envisioned. Minecraft isn't the only game to allow for this level of creation.
Lots of games these days are offering up custom tools to allow players to make, well, whatever. Little Big Planet 2 introduced a creation mode that allowed players to change up the rules of the game, to go from a sidescrolling platformer to an arcade style shooter like Galaga, or a cart racer, or a sports game, or a music rhythm game. Players are very creative people if you give them the option and freedom to make something. Similar to Minecraft, players put in a lot of work to make a really amazing mod for Little Big Planet 2. Little Big Planet 3 looks to take that level of creation even further with new characters, who change the mechanics of the game, and new layers to their levels. All while maintaining that adorable aesthetic.
These are ways that we, as players, can feel powerful without having to enact any kind of violence on a digital representation of our fellow man. They may be few and far between, but nonviolent power trips are out there. Remember playing Rock Band or Guitar Hero? Those games made you feel awesome. At least when you were playing well. Sure, the music was all set along a track, and you had to play it note for note, but the instrument you were playing wouldn't be there without the player there. Without a single element from the song, it would feel empty. Harmonix did this earlier with their game Amplitude. The game had songs with different tracks for players to play and complete. Setting off one track would free up the player to go to another and so on. Once the player got into a rhythm, which is a core mechanic of the game, the player could go right on down the line until the end of the song with ease. The player had the sense that they were making music, and it was awesome.
Speaking of going down tracks, which the only kind of transition that I could think to make, how about racing games? Have you ever wanted to drive a car that is worth more than you would ever make in your life? To feel the power behind it, and push it to its limits without fear of consequence? Racing games like Forza, Need for Speed, Grid, Gran Turismo, let players do something that they will most likely never get the chance to do. I love going fast, and I love cars. For those reasons, I love racing games. Drifting around corners, music blaring out of my speakers. Those are things that I cannot do in my car, at least without fear of my engine breaking down. I also don't have the time or money, or knowledge of engines, to do the things that I did for my cars in games like Forza Motorsport 3, or Need for Speed Underground.
There are many ways in which video games make us feel awesome, and it doesn't have to involve a gun. Games can take us to new worlds, let us do awesome things, and let us create something that's never been thought of before. Games are far more than just power trips, or mindless violence. Games can be creative tools, and they an give us incredible experiences. When you look beyond the haze of recycled schlock that is put out on a regular basis, you can find some amazing gems that are worth playing, for both young and old.
Saturday, June 28, 2014
Friday, June 27, 2014
Where Are You Going With This? (2/3)
Continuing with Part 2 of my 3 Part series. Why is violence so prevalent in our video game power trips?
Go back and read Part 1 to get caught up.
Video games have the ability to make players feel awesome, and important. Though, they usually come at the cost of being violent. What good comes from this? Why is violence the thing that most games go to in order to empower the player?
It is in human nature to be violent. It's not a very pretty thing, and yet it is more widely accepted in our media than other non-violent controversies. Why is it that we cringe at the idea of a game having a romance option between two characters of the same sex, or a game having a sex scene? Yet, we're just mildly concerned with excessive violence? It's rather twisted how violence, and harm against our fellow man is accepted in our culture.
In our everyday lives, we would never carry out any of the heinous acts that we see committed on a regular basis in video games. We'd much rather go on vacation, or try something different, or try to find love. These experiences are seldom found in video games. Instead, we have Grand Theft Autos, Gears of Wars, Mortal Kombats, Call of Dutys and countless other games which indulge our violent nature. This is only adding fuel to the fire, and while me may only be doing unspeakable acts of violence on the television screen, those images and techniques are copied to our minds, and we remember them. We get a sense of pleasure from cracking a "sweet" headshot, but are offended at the very idea of a same sex romance option in Mass Effect 3.
Isn't romance, or adventure something that we all seek to have in life? Sure, we may have those days when we strongly dislike the people that we are forced to deal with, but it's never something that we truly wish harm upon our fellow human. Indeed, we are all in this crazy mixed up world together. The people that do carry out such acts are severely mentally disturbed. So, why do we praise such atrocities when we play video games?
I think, from a game designer (which I am not) standpoint, it's easier to make a violent video game. Human relationships are much more complex than the binary interactions that we see in "dating sims" or the simple Renegade or Paragon options that we see in Mass Effect. It's probably very difficult to keep a game about exploration interesting (But No Man's Sky looks awesome). When it comes to sex, both men and women in video games are reduced to mere objects of desire, as opposed to the complex beings that they both are. But, because I believe that video games have much more of an impact on their audience than any other medium, I think, no, I demand that we start pursuing things like this in video game design. We need to go after things that are human, and things that can help bring us together. Violence only destroys and separates us as a species. We need not fight over differences. We need not fight at all. We need to accept one another, and we need to love one another. When all we see in the mass media is violence, and simplistic titillation, how do you expect us to act? I don't think that we should be afraid of sex, or shy away from it. I don't think that we should be afraid of homosexuals or lesbians. I think that we should be accepting of those with different lifestyles and beliefs. I think that we should love one another, and games might be able to help us out with that, if we started moving in that direction.
Go back and read Part 1 to get caught up.
Video games have the ability to make players feel awesome, and important. Though, they usually come at the cost of being violent. What good comes from this? Why is violence the thing that most games go to in order to empower the player?
It is in human nature to be violent. It's not a very pretty thing, and yet it is more widely accepted in our media than other non-violent controversies. Why is it that we cringe at the idea of a game having a romance option between two characters of the same sex, or a game having a sex scene? Yet, we're just mildly concerned with excessive violence? It's rather twisted how violence, and harm against our fellow man is accepted in our culture.
In our everyday lives, we would never carry out any of the heinous acts that we see committed on a regular basis in video games. We'd much rather go on vacation, or try something different, or try to find love. These experiences are seldom found in video games. Instead, we have Grand Theft Autos, Gears of Wars, Mortal Kombats, Call of Dutys and countless other games which indulge our violent nature. This is only adding fuel to the fire, and while me may only be doing unspeakable acts of violence on the television screen, those images and techniques are copied to our minds, and we remember them. We get a sense of pleasure from cracking a "sweet" headshot, but are offended at the very idea of a same sex romance option in Mass Effect 3.
Isn't romance, or adventure something that we all seek to have in life? Sure, we may have those days when we strongly dislike the people that we are forced to deal with, but it's never something that we truly wish harm upon our fellow human. Indeed, we are all in this crazy mixed up world together. The people that do carry out such acts are severely mentally disturbed. So, why do we praise such atrocities when we play video games?
I think, from a game designer (which I am not) standpoint, it's easier to make a violent video game. Human relationships are much more complex than the binary interactions that we see in "dating sims" or the simple Renegade or Paragon options that we see in Mass Effect. It's probably very difficult to keep a game about exploration interesting (But No Man's Sky looks awesome). When it comes to sex, both men and women in video games are reduced to mere objects of desire, as opposed to the complex beings that they both are. But, because I believe that video games have much more of an impact on their audience than any other medium, I think, no, I demand that we start pursuing things like this in video game design. We need to go after things that are human, and things that can help bring us together. Violence only destroys and separates us as a species. We need not fight over differences. We need not fight at all. We need to accept one another, and we need to love one another. When all we see in the mass media is violence, and simplistic titillation, how do you expect us to act? I don't think that we should be afraid of sex, or shy away from it. I don't think that we should be afraid of homosexuals or lesbians. I think that we should be accepting of those with different lifestyles and beliefs. I think that we should love one another, and games might be able to help us out with that, if we started moving in that direction.
Game Review,
Video games,
Power Overwhelming (Part 1/3)
I have stopped the Reapers, I am the last of the Dragonborn, I have prevented nuclear war on several occasions, I have both angels and demons, I have solved murders, I have sought out and killed sixteen colossal creatures, I have mastered time and space, I have won championships, I have defeated countless enemies in the ring, I have mastered martial arts, and I have blown up a lot of stuff. I. Am. Awesome. Or rather, video games make me feel that way.
There's also a wrong way to do the whole power trip. A good example would be the Crysis games. Notorious for pushing even high end gaming PCs to their limits, Crysis is all about power. I've only played Crysis 2, and done a bit of research on the other games. In Crysis 2, players are given a big suit of power armor that can turn the player completely invincible and invisible on the word "go". Having the ability to completely shift the balance of battles in an instant is kind of a buzz kill. Similar to putting in the "god mode" cheat, albeit for only a limited amount of time, players can do whatever they please with no challenge. The thing with a good power trip is, that there has to be that element of challenge.
Halo is also a series of video games that gives the player a sense of empowerment as well as a big suit of power armor. However, what Halo also offers is a good challenge. Now, Halo may have set the trend for regenerating health, but it did it right. Enemies outnumber the player and their forces exponentially, and are smart enough to take advantage of the player's constant need to take cover and recharge. This presents the player with challenge. If a player can just steamroll right over the opposition, there is no challenge and nothing feels accomplished. Fighting an uphill battle, and coming out on top. Now, that is a power trip. Especially since all of the Master Chief's reinforcements die right at first contact with the enemy. Fighting off an entire alien army, and preventing the destruction of all life is a pretty great accomplishment.
I couldn't help you noticing me, noticing you, noticing the Part 1/3 bit up top. Well, this is going to be a series about power trips in video games. How they can make us feel awesome, where they're going, and alternatives to the shoot 'em up style that we commonly see.
There are a lot of video games out there that are all about making the player feel like a badass. Empowerment is something that we all seek. Video games take us away from our dreary, boring lives, and finally put us in a place where we want to be: in control. Whether it's stress relief, or to escape the daily grind, a lot of people look to video games for a change of pace. Video games give players a freedom that they don't have everyday. Video games make us feel significant.
In video games, you are the hero, and the only one who can stop whatever terrible thing that is about to happen, because you are the only one with the skills, and the know-how to get the job done. You are the only one who is tough enough to face the trials of whatever this crazy adventure is about to throw you on. Fight a dragon, kill a demon, win the race, stop the bomb from exploding, save the city, or destroy it, the choice is yours to make.
So many games put moral choices, or different paths into the game, and they advertise it on the back of the box. Because it's all about having that control over the outcome. Players are in control, and they are the decisive factor in the war. Players are the reason that the day is saved. Players are the reason that anything happens in a video game. That feels awesome.
There's also a wrong way to do the whole power trip. A good example would be the Crysis games. Notorious for pushing even high end gaming PCs to their limits, Crysis is all about power. I've only played Crysis 2, and done a bit of research on the other games. In Crysis 2, players are given a big suit of power armor that can turn the player completely invincible and invisible on the word "go". Having the ability to completely shift the balance of battles in an instant is kind of a buzz kill. Similar to putting in the "god mode" cheat, albeit for only a limited amount of time, players can do whatever they please with no challenge. The thing with a good power trip is, that there has to be that element of challenge.
Halo is also a series of video games that gives the player a sense of empowerment as well as a big suit of power armor. However, what Halo also offers is a good challenge. Now, Halo may have set the trend for regenerating health, but it did it right. Enemies outnumber the player and their forces exponentially, and are smart enough to take advantage of the player's constant need to take cover and recharge. This presents the player with challenge. If a player can just steamroll right over the opposition, there is no challenge and nothing feels accomplished. Fighting an uphill battle, and coming out on top. Now, that is a power trip. Especially since all of the Master Chief's reinforcements die right at first contact with the enemy. Fighting off an entire alien army, and preventing the destruction of all life is a pretty great accomplishment.
People go through the day to day, feeling rather insignificant and just existing. Video games take them away from that and make them feel powerful. Video games put the player in a position that matters. It is all up to the player to save the day, and beat the badguys. Fight back against the resistance, and overcome!
I couldn't help you noticing me, noticing you, noticing the Part 1/3 bit up top. Well, this is going to be a series about power trips in video games. How they can make us feel awesome, where they're going, and alternatives to the shoot 'em up style that we commonly see.
Game Review,
Video games,
Monday, June 23, 2014
E3: The Verdict
E3 was a very exciting event that showed off a lot of new games. Here are my top picks from each of the press conference. Then, I'll pick my favorite game of the show.
I love everything about this game. The gameplay looks like it's a lot of fun, just because it's all about traversal, and that's a really important part of an action game. It reminds me of Titanfall, because that game also has excellent traversal mechanics. Also, this game is just brimming with personality. I've seen several videos talking with the developers about the game, and they've all mentioned that they just made the game that they wanted to. That's awesome! Just be yourself Insomniac, and people will like you.
There is something incredibly charming about this game. It's being made by a small independent studio, which is coming out of left field, quite strongly I might add, with a game like this. Interviews with the developers of this game discuss how they grew up on the dime store sci-fi novels that this game emulates. Further information about the game have revealed that there will not be any missions or anything like that. Which is rather disappointing because I would love to have a job working with some kind of galactic federation, or maybe fighting against them. Then again, this game is just pure exploration. Much like Minecraft, the game is proceduraly generated, which means that the worlds are developed as you move forward. Throw in a space ship and you've got yourself a great way to get around and look at all of the pretty.
Because Super Smash Bros was announced long before E3, and all that was announced for the game was a couple of new characters. Star Fox wasn't officially announced, and there wasn't a Metroid game, I'm going with Yoshi. BUT THAT'S NOT A BAD THING! Just look at this game. It's adorable, it's fun, and it's got co-op. Being made by Feel-Good, the same company that Kirby's Epic Yarn, they seem to be sticking with their company's namesake. Just the trailer for this game makes me happy. I haven't played a Yoshi game since Yoshi Story for the N64, and that was a lot of fun, and this one looks better.
Criterion has become one of my favorite companies since Burnout 3. They kind of let me down with Paradise, but all of their takes on Need for Speed have been fun. Again, this is one of those games that the developers just want to make. While this is really early development footage, it's cool that they're showing it off. With a good amount of patience, the game will be out and it will be cool. Exploration, traversal, and explosions. That's what this game is going to be all about. Get on a jet ski, open up a parachute and watch it explode as you glide over to the land to get on an ATV, because, why not?
While the multiplayer trailers seem unrealistic, because there is no one out there that is that cooperative online, this game still looks great. I'm very interested in the story and the gameplay. There are a lot of things about this game that I'm still curious about, such as the format of the game. Is it linear, or is it open world? Either way, the game looks gorgeous, and it looks like it plays very well.
Best of Show
No Man's Sky
I love science fiction. I love the look, I love the potential, I love space, I love all of the things that science fiction has to offer, and No Man's Sky gives all of them to me. This is a game that I could spend hours upon hours just roaming around the ENTIRE GALAXY in. Minecraft is great because it just goes on forever, but that's just one place, and everything looks the same. In No Man's Sky, all I have to do is jump in my space ship and go to another planet to see something new, or even just go to outer space. There's stuff going on all the time, and most of the time it may not even involve you. The player just kind of exists within this universe, and the game just happens around them. Make your own space odyssey.
Who Won E3?
I think that we did. I think that with all of the different games that were announced this year for each of the consoles, everyone gets a little bit of something good. I don't think that anybody really won, because everyone got something cool for their respective system. To be honest, none of the next generation of systems looked at all tempting until this year's E3. Except that most of the games for the Wii U won't be coming out until next year, oh well.
I love everything about this game. The gameplay looks like it's a lot of fun, just because it's all about traversal, and that's a really important part of an action game. It reminds me of Titanfall, because that game also has excellent traversal mechanics. Also, this game is just brimming with personality. I've seen several videos talking with the developers about the game, and they've all mentioned that they just made the game that they wanted to. That's awesome! Just be yourself Insomniac, and people will like you.
There is something incredibly charming about this game. It's being made by a small independent studio, which is coming out of left field, quite strongly I might add, with a game like this. Interviews with the developers of this game discuss how they grew up on the dime store sci-fi novels that this game emulates. Further information about the game have revealed that there will not be any missions or anything like that. Which is rather disappointing because I would love to have a job working with some kind of galactic federation, or maybe fighting against them. Then again, this game is just pure exploration. Much like Minecraft, the game is proceduraly generated, which means that the worlds are developed as you move forward. Throw in a space ship and you've got yourself a great way to get around and look at all of the pretty.
Because Super Smash Bros was announced long before E3, and all that was announced for the game was a couple of new characters. Star Fox wasn't officially announced, and there wasn't a Metroid game, I'm going with Yoshi. BUT THAT'S NOT A BAD THING! Just look at this game. It's adorable, it's fun, and it's got co-op. Being made by Feel-Good, the same company that Kirby's Epic Yarn, they seem to be sticking with their company's namesake. Just the trailer for this game makes me happy. I haven't played a Yoshi game since Yoshi Story for the N64, and that was a lot of fun, and this one looks better.
Criterion has become one of my favorite companies since Burnout 3. They kind of let me down with Paradise, but all of their takes on Need for Speed have been fun. Again, this is one of those games that the developers just want to make. While this is really early development footage, it's cool that they're showing it off. With a good amount of patience, the game will be out and it will be cool. Exploration, traversal, and explosions. That's what this game is going to be all about. Get on a jet ski, open up a parachute and watch it explode as you glide over to the land to get on an ATV, because, why not?
While the multiplayer trailers seem unrealistic, because there is no one out there that is that cooperative online, this game still looks great. I'm very interested in the story and the gameplay. There are a lot of things about this game that I'm still curious about, such as the format of the game. Is it linear, or is it open world? Either way, the game looks gorgeous, and it looks like it plays very well.
Best of Show
No Man's Sky
I love science fiction. I love the look, I love the potential, I love space, I love all of the things that science fiction has to offer, and No Man's Sky gives all of them to me. This is a game that I could spend hours upon hours just roaming around the ENTIRE GALAXY in. Minecraft is great because it just goes on forever, but that's just one place, and everything looks the same. In No Man's Sky, all I have to do is jump in my space ship and go to another planet to see something new, or even just go to outer space. There's stuff going on all the time, and most of the time it may not even involve you. The player just kind of exists within this universe, and the game just happens around them. Make your own space odyssey.
Who Won E3?
I think that we did. I think that with all of the different games that were announced this year for each of the consoles, everyone gets a little bit of something good. I don't think that anybody really won, because everyone got something cool for their respective system. To be honest, none of the next generation of systems looked at all tempting until this year's E3. Except that most of the games for the Wii U won't be coming out until next year, oh well.
Game Review,
Video games,
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
E3 Press Conference Breakdown: Ubisoft
Ubisoft is one of the few major publishers that showcases a few games that are original and new. This year they show off a few new ones, as well as a few necessary sequels. They also have host Aisha Tyler curse like a sailor, I'm taking points off for that.
Farcry 4
Boy, they sure love their psychopaths over there at Ubisoft. Farcry 3 had a leading psycho that was believable and scary, this guy is a douche who kills at random, and then takes selfies afterward for some reason. I'm looking forward to go around in the Himalayas, though.
Would I play this game? Yes
Just Dance 2015
Hilarious factoid: Aisha Tyler said after the Farcry 4 trailer that "At Ubisoft, we start off big, and then we go bigger." then immediately showed the Just Dance 2015 trailer. Seems like a nonsequitur if you ask me. Anyhow, the new addition brings new songs, and a free app for your smart phone so that you can play along if you don't have a controller. This allows for up to 64 people to play the game at the same time. Who has that many friends in one place at one time, and who has the set up to allow for such a thing to occur? Furthermore, who has sixty-four friends who are willing to play Just Dance all at once? I'm not sure, however, I myself prefer to dance to Dance Central as it detects the whole body as opposed to just your right hand.
Would I play this game? No
The Division
Nothing like a depressing trailer to get you excited for a game. Hey, it worked for Dead Island. Unlike Dead Island, this game actually looks very good. Taking place in a post viral outbreak New York, The Division is a group of specialists who are looking to rebuild society by wiping out all of the jerks who are taking it over with brute strength and violence. Players are to work together with other players and use some near future tech to outsmart and out fight the bad guys. This looks like it will be another next gen experience worth having, with all of the intricate details and features.
Would I play this game? Yes
The Crew
MOTORIN'! The Crew is a game that is heavily reliant upon online cooperation between players. The game boasts the entirety of the United States, or at least the highlight reel of it. Featuring major cities such as New York, Los Angeles, Miami, Detroit, and various other major cities that come to mind when you think of the US of A. I'm not sure if I'll be able to get my kicks on Route 66, though. Still looks like a cool game.
Would I play this game? Yes
Assassin's Creed Unity
Still not too keen on the lack of lady assassins, but still looking forward to this game. Hopefully this will be the desired "true next gen experience" that Ubisoft was promising with Watch_Dogs.
Would I play this game? Yes
Shape Up
Bright Arcade-y graphics and sound effects make this a bit different than your average Kinect oriented fitness game. This game actually intrigues me because fitness is all about improvement, and this simplifies it to a high score, something that anyone can understand. It seems like the perfect way to motivate people to work out and improve themselves. Plus, there's gratuitous amounts of the color orange.
Would I play this game? Yes
Valiant Hearts: The Great War
I've been looking forward to this game for quite sometime. Ever since I first heard of it, I was hooked. The game follows four different characters in a story that has been inspired by real letters that were sent by soldiers during the first World War. There are not enough games about the first World War, and this is how they should be done. War games should be about the soldier, the people who fight them, not tight gameplay mechanics. Also, this trailer made me tear up just a little bit, and I hope that it does the same for you.
Would I play this game? Yes
Rainbow Six: Siege
This is another one of those demos with people who are unbelievably coordinated as a team. I understand that there will be multiplayer, and that the team will need to be on the same page, but every single multiplayer experience that I have had has had no such thing. Maybe if you've got a group of friends, which I am strongly suggesting here, you will be able to work together like this, otherwise your screwed. Right, there's a game that was just shown off.... Rainbow Six has long been a series that has eluded me. I've never been that strategically minded, and the story would always go over my head. However, were I to have a group of friends, with whom I could communicate with, this game looks awesome.
Would I play this game? Yes
That wraps up Ubisoft's Press Conference, and all of the Press Conferences.
Wait! Minus a point for unprofessional cursing during a press event. Shame on you Aisha Tyler. At least she didn't use the term "Ladyboner".
E3 was a crazy journey this week with a whole bunch more games that were shown off that were not featured in press conferences. I haven't exactly summed up E3 entirely, and I suppose (to continue with professional video game journalist tradition), I'll have to determine a winner of E3. Stay tuned this week for my full conclusion of E3!
Farcry 4
Boy, they sure love their psychopaths over there at Ubisoft. Farcry 3 had a leading psycho that was believable and scary, this guy is a douche who kills at random, and then takes selfies afterward for some reason. I'm looking forward to go around in the Himalayas, though.
Would I play this game? Yes
Just Dance 2015
Hilarious factoid: Aisha Tyler said after the Farcry 4 trailer that "At Ubisoft, we start off big, and then we go bigger." then immediately showed the Just Dance 2015 trailer. Seems like a nonsequitur if you ask me. Anyhow, the new addition brings new songs, and a free app for your smart phone so that you can play along if you don't have a controller. This allows for up to 64 people to play the game at the same time. Who has that many friends in one place at one time, and who has the set up to allow for such a thing to occur? Furthermore, who has sixty-four friends who are willing to play Just Dance all at once? I'm not sure, however, I myself prefer to dance to Dance Central as it detects the whole body as opposed to just your right hand.
Would I play this game? No
The Division
Nothing like a depressing trailer to get you excited for a game. Hey, it worked for Dead Island. Unlike Dead Island, this game actually looks very good. Taking place in a post viral outbreak New York, The Division is a group of specialists who are looking to rebuild society by wiping out all of the jerks who are taking it over with brute strength and violence. Players are to work together with other players and use some near future tech to outsmart and out fight the bad guys. This looks like it will be another next gen experience worth having, with all of the intricate details and features.
Would I play this game? Yes
The Crew
MOTORIN'! The Crew is a game that is heavily reliant upon online cooperation between players. The game boasts the entirety of the United States, or at least the highlight reel of it. Featuring major cities such as New York, Los Angeles, Miami, Detroit, and various other major cities that come to mind when you think of the US of A. I'm not sure if I'll be able to get my kicks on Route 66, though. Still looks like a cool game.
Would I play this game? Yes
Assassin's Creed Unity
Still not too keen on the lack of lady assassins, but still looking forward to this game. Hopefully this will be the desired "true next gen experience" that Ubisoft was promising with Watch_Dogs.
Would I play this game? Yes
Shape Up
Bright Arcade-y graphics and sound effects make this a bit different than your average Kinect oriented fitness game. This game actually intrigues me because fitness is all about improvement, and this simplifies it to a high score, something that anyone can understand. It seems like the perfect way to motivate people to work out and improve themselves. Plus, there's gratuitous amounts of the color orange.
Would I play this game? Yes
Valiant Hearts: The Great War
I've been looking forward to this game for quite sometime. Ever since I first heard of it, I was hooked. The game follows four different characters in a story that has been inspired by real letters that were sent by soldiers during the first World War. There are not enough games about the first World War, and this is how they should be done. War games should be about the soldier, the people who fight them, not tight gameplay mechanics. Also, this trailer made me tear up just a little bit, and I hope that it does the same for you.
Would I play this game? Yes
Rainbow Six: Siege
This is another one of those demos with people who are unbelievably coordinated as a team. I understand that there will be multiplayer, and that the team will need to be on the same page, but every single multiplayer experience that I have had has had no such thing. Maybe if you've got a group of friends, which I am strongly suggesting here, you will be able to work together like this, otherwise your screwed. Right, there's a game that was just shown off.... Rainbow Six has long been a series that has eluded me. I've never been that strategically minded, and the story would always go over my head. However, were I to have a group of friends, with whom I could communicate with, this game looks awesome.
Would I play this game? Yes
That wraps up Ubisoft's Press Conference, and all of the Press Conferences.
Wait! Minus a point for unprofessional cursing during a press event. Shame on you Aisha Tyler. At least she didn't use the term "Ladyboner".
E3 was a crazy journey this week with a whole bunch more games that were shown off that were not featured in press conferences. I haven't exactly summed up E3 entirely, and I suppose (to continue with professional video game journalist tradition), I'll have to determine a winner of E3. Stay tuned this week for my full conclusion of E3!
E3 2014,
Game Review,
Video games,
E3 Press Conference Breakdown: EA
There was a lot of stuff at E3, and there's a lot that I'm just glossing over because I'm just going with the Press Conferences as far as in depth coverage is concerned.
We already did this one for Microsoft, and I already said that I want to play it. Strong opener there, EA.
Would I play this game? I already said.
Mass Effect? - Bioware
Well, I'll take any excuse to get back to the Citadel, as well as a chance to hang out with some Turians. However, there isn't much known about what the game is going to be other than a Mass Effect game. That's cool, and I really think it's great that they're showing off something that isn't complete yet. The fact that they just want to inform people that they are hard at work on a game, is cool. Also in the trailer is an announcement for an entirely new franchise. Count me in for that one too! I love me some Bioware.
Would I play this game? Yes, for both of them.
The Sims 4 - Maxis
I haven't played The Sims since the original one way back in the day. I don't much care for them anymore. However this time around Sims now have emotions, motivations, souls, and so on. I still don't care. However, these things can become too much for the little AIs, so much so that it kills them. That's.... cruel. These new elements of gameplay can enhance the relationship between the player and their Sim, much more than just some creature that does exactly what they are told and is too dumb to think on its own. I don't understand the logic here, but they seem to have come to a decision.
Would I play this game? No
UFC - EA Sports
Bruce Lee... BRUCE LEE! Why? I know he's a great fighter and everything, but he does not belong in "The Octagon". Also, where's his yellow jumpsuit that he used to kill Kareem Abdul Jabbar? What about him with three scratches across his chest? Either way, this is weird, and a little bit disrespectful in my opinion.
Would I play this game? No
NHL 15 - EA Sports
I do love me some ice puck, but I didn't play the last game, I'm not going to play this game.
Would I play this game? No
Untitled - Criterion
Criterion, makers of Burnout and the latest Need for Speed games, is now making a game where you can drive and crash everything to your hearts content. This is extremely early footage of what the game will be, but I still like the idea of telling people that they are making a game, even if it is in it's early stages. Rock on, guys.
Would I play this game? Yes
PGA Tour - EA Sports
Making big golf more like minigolf.
Would I play this game? No
Madden 15 - EA Sports
It's more than just an updated roster, we swear!
Would I play this game? No
Dawngate - EA
A new MOBA to overthrow League of Legends? As they say in the eSports scene "gl hf"
Would I play this game? No
Mirror's Edge 2 - DICE
A sequel to the game that gave me a real taste for what it was like to be disappointed by a game that was hyped during E3. The game does look like it's gone through some changes to make it better, as well as a visual upgrade, which is saying something. However, don't you try to tell me that the original concept for Faith, the main character, was based on an "original" design made up of 23 pixels.
Would I play this game? Probably. So, I guess you get a half point EA.
FIFA 15 - EA Sports
I've still got FIFA 13, and I've yet to actually make it through an entire season. Though, to be honest, there is something pure about soccer, or futball as it's called everywhere else but 'Murikah, and there is something that is genuinely exhilarating about scoring a goal. Though, I think I'm good sticking with FIFA 13.
Would I play this game? No
Battlefield: Hardline - Visceral Games

Would I play this game? No
That wraps it up for the EA conference.
Also, let's talk about how the EA Exec's jacket makes him look like a comic book bad guy...
Once again, I'll be taking a look at what games are shown, and whether or not I'd play them. At the end of the whole deal, I'll tally up how many games I'd play vs. how many games were shown and come up with a score. I don't really think that rating press conferences is effective, yet a lot of professionals do it anyway. I remember looking through the E3 editions of Game Informer and eyeing the "grade" of each of the conferences, and immediately moving on. That's dumb. Just because you review everything with a score, doesn't mean that you have to review EVERYTHING with a score.
On with the EA conference!!!!!!!!!
Dragon Age: Inquisition - Bioware
We already did this one for Microsoft, and I already said that I want to play it. Strong opener there, EA.
Would I play this game? I already said.
Mass Effect? - Bioware
Well, I'll take any excuse to get back to the Citadel, as well as a chance to hang out with some Turians. However, there isn't much known about what the game is going to be other than a Mass Effect game. That's cool, and I really think it's great that they're showing off something that isn't complete yet. The fact that they just want to inform people that they are hard at work on a game, is cool. Also in the trailer is an announcement for an entirely new franchise. Count me in for that one too! I love me some Bioware.
Would I play this game? Yes, for both of them.
The Sims 4 - Maxis
I haven't played The Sims since the original one way back in the day. I don't much care for them anymore. However this time around Sims now have emotions, motivations, souls, and so on. I still don't care. However, these things can become too much for the little AIs, so much so that it kills them. That's.... cruel. These new elements of gameplay can enhance the relationship between the player and their Sim, much more than just some creature that does exactly what they are told and is too dumb to think on its own. I don't understand the logic here, but they seem to have come to a decision.
Would I play this game? No
UFC - EA Sports
Bruce Lee... BRUCE LEE! Why? I know he's a great fighter and everything, but he does not belong in "The Octagon". Also, where's his yellow jumpsuit that he used to kill Kareem Abdul Jabbar? What about him with three scratches across his chest? Either way, this is weird, and a little bit disrespectful in my opinion.
Would I play this game? No
NHL 15 - EA Sports
I do love me some ice puck, but I didn't play the last game, I'm not going to play this game.
Would I play this game? No
Untitled - Criterion
Criterion, makers of Burnout and the latest Need for Speed games, is now making a game where you can drive and crash everything to your hearts content. This is extremely early footage of what the game will be, but I still like the idea of telling people that they are making a game, even if it is in it's early stages. Rock on, guys.
Would I play this game? Yes
PGA Tour - EA Sports
Making big golf more like minigolf.
Would I play this game? No
Madden 15 - EA Sports
It's more than just an updated roster, we swear!
Would I play this game? No
Dawngate - EA
A new MOBA to overthrow League of Legends? As they say in the eSports scene "gl hf"
Would I play this game? No
Mirror's Edge 2 - DICE
A sequel to the game that gave me a real taste for what it was like to be disappointed by a game that was hyped during E3. The game does look like it's gone through some changes to make it better, as well as a visual upgrade, which is saying something. However, don't you try to tell me that the original concept for Faith, the main character, was based on an "original" design made up of 23 pixels.
Would I play this game? Probably. So, I guess you get a half point EA.
FIFA 15 - EA Sports
I've still got FIFA 13, and I've yet to actually make it through an entire season. Though, to be honest, there is something pure about soccer, or futball as it's called everywhere else but 'Murikah, and there is something that is genuinely exhilarating about scoring a goal. Though, I think I'm good sticking with FIFA 13.
Would I play this game? No
Battlefield: Hardline - Visceral Games
Would I play this game? No
That wraps it up for the EA conference.
Also, let's talk about how the EA Exec's jacket makes him look like a comic book bad guy...
Game Review,
Video games,
Monday, June 16, 2014
E3 Press Conference: Nintendo
Continuing my inane analysis of the E3 press conferences, we're on to Nintendo now. I apologize in advance because I am, and always will be, a bit of a fanboy for Nintendo.
Once again, the rules are that I will give them a point if I would play the game that they showcase. At the end I'll accumulate the amount of games that I'll play vs. the number of games that they had shown during the conference. Okay? Okay. LET'S GO!
Super Smash Bros. - Nintendo
Super Smash Bros. has been announced well before E3, and in fact I think that it was announced last E3. Nintendo's press conference opened up with a strange fight between Saturo Iwata and Reggie Fils-Amie. This is not an announcement for a new game, but rather an addition to a game. It's a cool addition. I really like the idea of it. Plus, the Mii fighters have customizable movesets for players to choose from. That's pretty cool, but rules are rules.
Would I play this game? Yes, but it's not a game so no points.
This is not the video that was played during Nintendo's press conference. All that was explained of the Amiibo figures is that they can be used with select games, specifically Smash Bros. This video should have been played during the conference, or at least something more informative than what they showed. People have been equating these figures to the Skylanders or Disney Infinity figures. For good reason too, as they have a lot of similarities. However, these Amiibo figures can be used with multiple games, as opposed to just one. What was shown at the conference was that these figures can be used to train with, and be summoned into a battle. That first part is what interests me most, because it can be my own personal training partner in Super Smash Bros., which I will be putting a lot of hours into. It was shown that the figures can level up to 50, which is exponentially greater than the highest difficulty setting of level 9. Once again, this is not a new game that was announced. I'll probably buy a few of these when I get around to buying a Wii U, but it's still not a video game.
Would I play this game? I can't, because they're figures and they don't look like they move very much.
Yoshi's Wooly World - Feel Good
LOOK HOW CUTE THIS IS! LOOK AT THE WAY HIS NOSE SQUISHES WHEN HE PUSHES THE BIG RED CHAIN CHOMP BALL! But in all seriousness, this game looks adorable. This game will be made by the same team that made Kirby's Epic Yarn. That company did a good job with that game, and it looks like they'll do a good job with this one. I look forward to playing this game because it just looks fun.
Would I play this game? Yes. Finally a new game that's announced.
Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker - Nintendo
Continuing with the whole "cute thing, Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker. Captain Toad was a character that was introduced in Super Mario Galaxy. I always wondered what he did, and how he helped out Mario. Here's the thing that's interesting about this game, not only is this a Mario game that is not about Mario, but also you can't jump. I'm not entirely sure how that'll work, but the game seems to be comprised of micro-levels which seem to be the perfect size for this pint-sized adventurer. The game looks like a lot of fun, and you'll have to rely on wit as opposed to skill and reflexes. Hopefully there will be a way to turn off his voice.
Would I play this game? Yes.
Zelda - Nintendo
This is a new Zelda game that looks to take it back to the old days where players could go anywhere they wanted to and have a legitimate adventure, rather than being told a story. Much like A Link Between Worlds, players will be able to go to whichever temple / dungeon they come across. Folks will be calling this a rippoff of Elderscrolls, but the fact is the original Zelda game for the NES back in 1987 did it first. Plain as that. This new Zelda game looks pretty boss, and the graphical styling is very interesting to look at.
Would I play this game? Yes. Very much so.
Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire
This is much more than a simple 3DHD remake. These games will include the mechanics from the recent Pokemon X and Y games, such as the Mega Evolutions. That's all well and good, but I've fallen off of the Pokemon bandwagon some time ago. I suppose that Pokemon fever is similar to the Chicken Pox, in that you only get it once in your life.
Would I play this game? No.
Bayonetta 2 - Platinum Games
I liked the first Bayonetta, even though I have yet to beat it. It's currently sitting in my backlog of games, among many, many other games that I should probably take the time to complete. Bayonetta 2 looks to be just as ridiculous and difficult as the first one. What I liked about the first game was the absurdity of it all. Bayonetta seems to be some kind of play on the over sexualization of female characters in video games, and it's to the point where it's comical. Maybe I just have a strange sense of humor. Anyhow, Bayonetta 2 comes with a redone version of the original game with special Nintendo themed costumes, that's awesome!
Would I play this game? Yes
Hyrule Warriors - Tecmo Koei
I've never played a Dynasty Warriors game, save for that one time when I was over at a friends house and he had Dynasty Warriors: Gundam. I like the idea of hacking and slashing through hordes of bad guys on my own, and this will take place in the Zelda universe, so that's really cool. I think that the most exciting thing about this game will be the fact that you can play as not Link. I'm looking forward to seeing all the different characters to choose from and how they play differently. I like the idea of this game. It may not be a traditional Zelda game, but it'll be cool to run around Hyrule and various locations and beat the ever loving snot out of a bunch of enemies.
Would I play this game? Yes
Kirby and the Rainbow Curse - Nintendo
Kirby Canvas Curse was a game that came out a long while ago for the Nintendo DS. The DS was never something that I invested much time into unless I was on a road trip or at the laundromat. However, this game will be for the home console, the Wii U. Everything looks all clay-mation and whatnot, and that looks cool. Kirby Canvas Curse was a clever game, and Kirby and the Rainbow Curse looks to be just as clever. Following what I've always said about the Wii U, that the thing is just one big DS, the game looks to be putting that design principle to good use. I hope that most of the third party developers who made good games for the DS will start to see the Wii U in that same way. Hopefully this is a sign of things to come, but I'm rather doubtful. The game still looks fun though.
Would I play this game? Yes.
Xenoblade Chronicles - Monolith
Would I play this game? No.
Mario Maker - Nintendo
Custom Mario levels are nothing new. In fact, there are tons of Mario mods on the Internet, but they're not official and you can't play them with a Nintendo controller, which is the only way to play a Mario game. Now that Nintendo has an official, and easy to use by the looks of it, Mario level designer, you'll be able to share your levels with other members of the Nintendo community. I'm not really a game designer, I'm more of a writer when it comes to this sort of thing. However, Mario's running and jumping is about as basic as you can get when it comes to creating a game. Learning the arc and distance of Mario's jump and how the way things work in the Mushroom Kingdom could be an interesting experience, and a good lesson for all of you future game designers out there.
Would I play this game? Probably not.
Splatoon - Nintendo
They've done it. Only Nintendo could come up with a way to make an online multiplayer shooter that I would let my future children play. Splatoon is a game that visualizes the whole concept of the ground that you control in a military shooter. The idea is that your characters have paint guns that players use to cover the map in their team color. There are also advantages to covering the field in your team's paint, such as movement speed. Besides being a nonviolent shooter, players can transform into squids to zip through their territory. How cool is that? Also, I say nonviolent, but when you shoot up another player they explode into paint. It's violent in the same way that Mario is. Either way, it looks fun and I want to play it.
Would I play this game? Yes
That's about it. Those are the games that were announced during the Nintendo Press Conference / Digital event. After Splatoon there was another character announcement for Super Smash Bros. There was also a lot of other things that Nintendo did during E3, such as games that weren't announced during the Digital Event, as well as the Super Smash Bros. Invitational and the Treehouse. The Amiibo video was not featured in the Digital Event, and I believe that it should have been because there was a lot more explained about the Amiibo, which was super helpful. If you were to only go by what was in the Nintendo Digital event, you wouldn't get the whole picture of what Nintendo showcased at E3 this year. Nintendo seems to have a bad habit of lack of communication at these things, which is troubling and it doesn't help them at all. Also, post event Reggie Fils-Amie released a statement that they wouldn't be streaming anything because it's "Not fun". WHAT??!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Half of what Nintendo did this year for E3 was all about streaming. They streamed the Treehouse event, which showed off all of the games that were announced in action. They streamed a Smash Bros. Tournament which was super exciting. Don't tell me that isn't fun Reggie. If you don't think that kind of thing is fun, then you should probably step down from your position and let someone who understands what the people want. This also coincides with Nintendo's anti-let's player policies and various other things that is killing them slowly. Twitch is among the most popular websites in the world, don't tell me that people don't want to watch other people play games. Even if it isn't Nintendo official, they should still let people play and stream their games. That's free publicity! How can you pass that up, let alone shut it down? I don't understand what Nintendo is doing, but I still care about them. The world needs them, not just the video game industry.
Apologies for the rant, but it's all relevant. Anyhow, on with the final tally of games!
Once again, the rules are that I will give them a point if I would play the game that they showcase. At the end I'll accumulate the amount of games that I'll play vs. the number of games that they had shown during the conference. Okay? Okay. LET'S GO!
Super Smash Bros. - Nintendo
Super Smash Bros. has been announced well before E3, and in fact I think that it was announced last E3. Nintendo's press conference opened up with a strange fight between Saturo Iwata and Reggie Fils-Amie. This is not an announcement for a new game, but rather an addition to a game. It's a cool addition. I really like the idea of it. Plus, the Mii fighters have customizable movesets for players to choose from. That's pretty cool, but rules are rules.
Would I play this game? Yes, but it's not a game so no points.
This is not the video that was played during Nintendo's press conference. All that was explained of the Amiibo figures is that they can be used with select games, specifically Smash Bros. This video should have been played during the conference, or at least something more informative than what they showed. People have been equating these figures to the Skylanders or Disney Infinity figures. For good reason too, as they have a lot of similarities. However, these Amiibo figures can be used with multiple games, as opposed to just one. What was shown at the conference was that these figures can be used to train with, and be summoned into a battle. That first part is what interests me most, because it can be my own personal training partner in Super Smash Bros., which I will be putting a lot of hours into. It was shown that the figures can level up to 50, which is exponentially greater than the highest difficulty setting of level 9. Once again, this is not a new game that was announced. I'll probably buy a few of these when I get around to buying a Wii U, but it's still not a video game.
Would I play this game? I can't, because they're figures and they don't look like they move very much.
Yoshi's Wooly World - Feel Good
LOOK HOW CUTE THIS IS! LOOK AT THE WAY HIS NOSE SQUISHES WHEN HE PUSHES THE BIG RED CHAIN CHOMP BALL! But in all seriousness, this game looks adorable. This game will be made by the same team that made Kirby's Epic Yarn. That company did a good job with that game, and it looks like they'll do a good job with this one. I look forward to playing this game because it just looks fun.
Would I play this game? Yes. Finally a new game that's announced.
Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker - Nintendo
Continuing with the whole "cute thing, Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker. Captain Toad was a character that was introduced in Super Mario Galaxy. I always wondered what he did, and how he helped out Mario. Here's the thing that's interesting about this game, not only is this a Mario game that is not about Mario, but also you can't jump. I'm not entirely sure how that'll work, but the game seems to be comprised of micro-levels which seem to be the perfect size for this pint-sized adventurer. The game looks like a lot of fun, and you'll have to rely on wit as opposed to skill and reflexes. Hopefully there will be a way to turn off his voice.
Would I play this game? Yes.
Zelda - Nintendo
This is a new Zelda game that looks to take it back to the old days where players could go anywhere they wanted to and have a legitimate adventure, rather than being told a story. Much like A Link Between Worlds, players will be able to go to whichever temple / dungeon they come across. Folks will be calling this a rippoff of Elderscrolls, but the fact is the original Zelda game for the NES back in 1987 did it first. Plain as that. This new Zelda game looks pretty boss, and the graphical styling is very interesting to look at.
Would I play this game? Yes. Very much so.
Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire
This is much more than a simple 3DHD remake. These games will include the mechanics from the recent Pokemon X and Y games, such as the Mega Evolutions. That's all well and good, but I've fallen off of the Pokemon bandwagon some time ago. I suppose that Pokemon fever is similar to the Chicken Pox, in that you only get it once in your life.
Would I play this game? No.
Bayonetta 2 - Platinum Games
I liked the first Bayonetta, even though I have yet to beat it. It's currently sitting in my backlog of games, among many, many other games that I should probably take the time to complete. Bayonetta 2 looks to be just as ridiculous and difficult as the first one. What I liked about the first game was the absurdity of it all. Bayonetta seems to be some kind of play on the over sexualization of female characters in video games, and it's to the point where it's comical. Maybe I just have a strange sense of humor. Anyhow, Bayonetta 2 comes with a redone version of the original game with special Nintendo themed costumes, that's awesome!
Would I play this game? Yes
Hyrule Warriors - Tecmo Koei
I've never played a Dynasty Warriors game, save for that one time when I was over at a friends house and he had Dynasty Warriors: Gundam. I like the idea of hacking and slashing through hordes of bad guys on my own, and this will take place in the Zelda universe, so that's really cool. I think that the most exciting thing about this game will be the fact that you can play as not Link. I'm looking forward to seeing all the different characters to choose from and how they play differently. I like the idea of this game. It may not be a traditional Zelda game, but it'll be cool to run around Hyrule and various locations and beat the ever loving snot out of a bunch of enemies.
Would I play this game? Yes
Kirby and the Rainbow Curse - Nintendo
Kirby Canvas Curse was a game that came out a long while ago for the Nintendo DS. The DS was never something that I invested much time into unless I was on a road trip or at the laundromat. However, this game will be for the home console, the Wii U. Everything looks all clay-mation and whatnot, and that looks cool. Kirby Canvas Curse was a clever game, and Kirby and the Rainbow Curse looks to be just as clever. Following what I've always said about the Wii U, that the thing is just one big DS, the game looks to be putting that design principle to good use. I hope that most of the third party developers who made good games for the DS will start to see the Wii U in that same way. Hopefully this is a sign of things to come, but I'm rather doubtful. The game still looks fun though.
Would I play this game? Yes.
Xenoblade Chronicles - Monolith
Would I play this game? No.
Mario Maker - Nintendo
Custom Mario levels are nothing new. In fact, there are tons of Mario mods on the Internet, but they're not official and you can't play them with a Nintendo controller, which is the only way to play a Mario game. Now that Nintendo has an official, and easy to use by the looks of it, Mario level designer, you'll be able to share your levels with other members of the Nintendo community. I'm not really a game designer, I'm more of a writer when it comes to this sort of thing. However, Mario's running and jumping is about as basic as you can get when it comes to creating a game. Learning the arc and distance of Mario's jump and how the way things work in the Mushroom Kingdom could be an interesting experience, and a good lesson for all of you future game designers out there.
Would I play this game? Probably not.
Splatoon - Nintendo
They've done it. Only Nintendo could come up with a way to make an online multiplayer shooter that I would let my future children play. Splatoon is a game that visualizes the whole concept of the ground that you control in a military shooter. The idea is that your characters have paint guns that players use to cover the map in their team color. There are also advantages to covering the field in your team's paint, such as movement speed. Besides being a nonviolent shooter, players can transform into squids to zip through their territory. How cool is that? Also, I say nonviolent, but when you shoot up another player they explode into paint. It's violent in the same way that Mario is. Either way, it looks fun and I want to play it.
Would I play this game? Yes
That's about it. Those are the games that were announced during the Nintendo Press Conference / Digital event. After Splatoon there was another character announcement for Super Smash Bros. There was also a lot of other things that Nintendo did during E3, such as games that weren't announced during the Digital Event, as well as the Super Smash Bros. Invitational and the Treehouse. The Amiibo video was not featured in the Digital Event, and I believe that it should have been because there was a lot more explained about the Amiibo, which was super helpful. If you were to only go by what was in the Nintendo Digital event, you wouldn't get the whole picture of what Nintendo showcased at E3 this year. Nintendo seems to have a bad habit of lack of communication at these things, which is troubling and it doesn't help them at all. Also, post event Reggie Fils-Amie released a statement that they wouldn't be streaming anything because it's "Not fun". WHAT??!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Half of what Nintendo did this year for E3 was all about streaming. They streamed the Treehouse event, which showed off all of the games that were announced in action. They streamed a Smash Bros. Tournament which was super exciting. Don't tell me that isn't fun Reggie. If you don't think that kind of thing is fun, then you should probably step down from your position and let someone who understands what the people want. This also coincides with Nintendo's anti-let's player policies and various other things that is killing them slowly. Twitch is among the most popular websites in the world, don't tell me that people don't want to watch other people play games. Even if it isn't Nintendo official, they should still let people play and stream their games. That's free publicity! How can you pass that up, let alone shut it down? I don't understand what Nintendo is doing, but I still care about them. The world needs them, not just the video game industry.
Apologies for the rant, but it's all relevant. Anyhow, on with the final tally of games!
Game Review,
Video games,
Saturday, June 14, 2014
E3 Press Conference Breakdown: Sony
Continuing with the "Would I play this game" theme, we look to Sony. However, after watching the conference in its entirety, there were some cool things about the Sony conference that were unrelated to video games that are worth mentioning. Let's begin.
Destiny - Bungie
Destiny is shaping up to be something more than just Borderlands crossed with Halo. The story and setting are epic, and it just looks so damned gorgeous. There are multiplayer events that will allow players to drop in for boss fights, as well as a team deathmatch and other various standard multiplayer game types that will be included in the game. I'd love to take my Siren from Borderlands 2 online and pit her against other Vault Hunters. This is a cool idea that brings the personal touches of players to the multiplayer realm in more ways than color customization. Looking good out there Destiny
Would I play this game? Yes
The Order 1886 - Ready At Dawn Studios
It's getting harder and harder to tell the difference between cutscene quality graphics and gameplay with these new consoles. I have to look beyond the graphics to determine what makes the game. That being said, these graphics are mind blowingly amazing. Originally I though that this game was going to be an old timey Left 4 Dead game. Further investigation has revealed it to be much more than that. The game has players taking control of Galahad, yes that Galahad, who is a member of an elite squad of other immortals fighting an invisible war against werewolves and the like. Spooky, mysterious, and mystic, The Order 1886 looks to be an intriguing title exclusively for the PS4.
Would I play this game? Yes
Entwined - Pixel Opus
The first game from the studio, which is comprised of freshly graduated studios, Entwined is a game based on an old Chinese folk tale of two souls who are in love, but can never be together. This theme is reflected in its game mechanics as neither of the souls can cross the center divide. It's out now on the PSN for only 10 dollars. The game looks simple, but a short experience that is somewhat reminiscent of Flower.
Would I play this game? Maybe? It's hard to say, the mechanics are extremely simplistic and linear, unlike Flower which is more free form. Entwined gets a half point.
Infamous Second Son: First Light DLC - Sucker Punch
The Dead Rising 3 DLC didn't get a point, so neither will this one. That being said, this is a stand alone DLC, meaning that you don't need the game to play it.
Would I play this game? Yes, but it's DLC. No points
Little Big Planet 3 - Media Molecule
In an industry that is flooded with violence, it warms my heart to see something like Little Big Planet exists. Introducing new characters that introduce new mechanics to the game, as well as transferable user created content from Little Big Planet 2 to Little Big Planet 3. LBP 3 is going to be a lot of fun, plus it's just so darn cute.
Would I play this game? Yes
Bloodborne - From Software
Speaking of violent games..... Bloodborne comes from From Software, the creators of the wildly popular Dark Souls. This game looks gruesome, grotesque, and all about those zombies. There was a bit of "leaked" footage of the gameplay which seems to play the same way as other games made by From Software.
Would I play this game? No
Farcry 4 - Ubisoft
Taking place in a made up region in the Himalayas, Farcry 4 looks to be just about as crazy as 3. What the fourth installment brings to the table is a new character, new abilities, such as driving and shooting at the same time, and the ability for friends to drop in and drop out for missions and fortress take overs. Exclusive to the PS4, is the ability for PSN friends to play the game even if they don't have it. If you're going to get this game, get it on the PS4.
Would I play this game? Yes
Grim Fandango Remake - Double Fine
This is kind of a big deal. Grim Fandango has been lost to the waves of time, and now is making a resurgence. This is definitely one of the games that a gamer absolutely needs to play, or so I've been told. I missed out on a great era of PC gaming because I was too busy with my N64. Now that I have found my passion for video games, I find it necessary to go back and revisit the games that are considered classics.
Would I play this game? Most definitely.
Dead Island 2 - Deep Silver
Not quite as effective as the trailer for the original game, but that's okay. I got a chance to play the original Dead Rising game, and I can't say that I enjoyed it all that much. Dead Rising 2 is looking like it will continue the trend of showing us a really pretty and stylish cutscene without any gameplay in hopes that they will hook us. Fool us once, shame on you, fool us twice.... well, screw you
Would I play this game? No
Battlefield Hardline - Visceral Games
I have mixed feelings about this one. It's being made by Visceral Games, the creators of Dead Space. However, this just looks like another Battlefield game with a bank robber theme. Cops and Robbers is a fun concept when we were kids, but as adults we crave depth, and that comes in more forms than just explosions. So far, all I've seen on the game is just the multiplayer which seems to be a Battlefield game but with a bank robber theme. Not making a good impression here Visceral.
Would I play this game? No
Magicka 2
I loved the first Magicka game, but it was on PC when I played it. I'm somewhat unsure of how the game will play using a PS4 gamepad. The humor for the game is still intact, and so is the simplicity. Magicka is a game about being a wizard and having elements to combine to create spells. As players progress through Magicka they discover new spells which combine the elements in a specific order to cast a more effective spell. It's a lot of fun, and I'm looking forward to this game.
Would I play this game? Yes
Devolver showcase:
Much like the ID@XBOX there was a flurry of games that were shown, so I'll just give you a run down.
Broforce - No
Titan Souls - Yes
Not a Hero - Yes
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number - No
Now, if some of you questioning my "No" then allow me to explain that I'd rather play both of those games on PC.
The Talos Principle - Croteam
This game looks confusing and strange. It may be mysterious, but more in a way that is annoying and confusing than anything else. Plus, the game opened up with a view of the character walking up to a console like in Jonathan Blow's The Witness, also coming out for the PS4, and it wasn't.
Would I play this game? No
Let It Die - Suda 51
Violence for the sake of violence. Sure, that makes for a great game. I thought that this was a game by Suda 51, the wacky Japanese guy of video games, who makes weird trips rather than video games. Even if this thing does have a bit of punk rock to it, like Death on a skateboard, it's still going to be a senselessly violent game.
Would I play this game? No
Abzu - Giant Squid Studio
Oh, I am very much excited for this game. While it may only be coming out on the PS4, I still really want to play it. Being made by a few people from the team that made Journey, one of which being the composer, this game is going to be a beautiful and serene experience.
Would I play this game? Yes
No Man's Sky - Hello Games
You have no idea how much I am looking forward to this game. A procedurally generated UNIVERSE game that is all about exploration and discovery. That means that everything that the player sees, will be randomly generated. This expands to planets, creatures, caves, asteroid belts, fleets, space colonies, everything. That is mind blowing. Every player will have their own ship, which they can use to fly from planet to planet, or use to further explore their own, and by the way, planet hopping isn't a loading screen away. Oh no, you got to get there yourself. This game has the look of pulp science fiction novels that were written in the 1980s, and you get to walk around in them. This is a game that I can see myself spending a lot of time with when it comes out.
Would I play this game? You better believe it.
Not a game mention! Project Morpheus
I'm not sure if that is an allusion to The Matrix, but this VR headset looks to be a bit of an improvement upon the Oculus Rift. Reason being: it also uses the Playstation camera to track the players physical presence. I've heard that the VR of the Oculus Rift is so good that it makes experienced gamers want to reach out and touch something that isn't there. Having the Playstation camera being used in conjunction with tech that is comparable to that of the Oculus Rift just makes sense.
Half point for not being a game
Not game mention! Youtube and Twitch Integration
We all thought that it was lame when Sony announced that there was a share button on the PS4 controller, but you used it, and now that share button will now work with Youtube. Got a cool clip that you want to share? Hit that share button. Furthermore, if you want to stream a session of gaming, stream it on Twitch.tv, no crazy set up requited. Just a PS4 and an internet connection.
You get a whole point for this one Sony. Hope you like it.
Free to Play games
They're nothing new, but quality ones are hard to come by. Sony showed off a few games that were free to play that looked half way decent. Nothing to scoff at, but nothing to really keep anyone hooked. Except for Planetside 2, that looks cool.
Would I play any of these games? No
Playstation Now and Playstation TV
Here's an interesting couple of concepts. Playstation Now allows players to stream games to their PS4s and PS Vitas, so long as they have an internet connection and a Playstation Plus account. Having Playstation Now will give players access to a myriad of titles for the PS3 and past Sony consoles.
Playstation TV works similarly, in that players can stream PS4 games to another TV in the same household, as opposed to buying a second console. The unit also allows for PS Vita integration. This kind of makes sense, in that if you have a game that has co-op, but not split screen, you can stream it to the Playstation TV device and play with someone in another room, or just on another TV in the same room. Cool stuff.
A neat concept that I'm a little bit skeptical of. No points.
Mortal Kombat X - Netherealm Studios
This is a new Mortal Kombat. Plain and simple. However, there are new characters, new moves, new movesets and playstyles, the ability to interact with the environment, and because it's Mortal Kombat: Fatalities. Each character has three different fighting styles to choose from which basically offers up three times the character choice. Gorgeous, gory, and expertly crafted gameplay.
Would I play this game? Yes
More not game stuff!!!!!!
There was a lot at this conference that wasn't video games, but video game related. This time Sony announced a TV series that would be exclusively be able to be viewed on Playstation 3 and Playstation 4 consoles. The series is called Powers and it's based off of the graphic novel of the same name. Sony also announced a Ratchet and Clank Movie. The movie is being made by Rainmaker, who used to be Mainframe Entertainment creators of ReBoot. The presenter assured the audience that Insomniac, creators of Ratchet and Clank, were heavily involved in the creation of the movie.
Last of Us Remastered - Naughty Dog
The game has only been out for a year, and now it's getting an HD remake. The remake looks good. Really good. The remastered edition of The Last of Us will include the Left Behind DLC in addition to the full game. So that's nice.
Would I play this game? No
MGS V The Phantom Pain - Konami
It seems that quite a bit has happened between Metal Gear Solid 3 and Metal Gear Solid 5. I haven't followed the series since 3, because I just couldn't keep up with all of the intrigue and conspiracy that was going on in the story line. Now we see a Snake with a robot arm and a giant piece of shrapnel sticking out of his head. At least now he's got a cool eye patch.
Would I play this game? No
GTA V for PS4 - Rockstar
It's like the great games of last year are just being forced through customs to get to the new generation. This is the exact same game that you played on either your PS3 or Xbox 360. It sure does look prettier, and the streets are more populated with people and traffic. At least it will be more like LA on the traffic front.
Would I play this game? No
Batman Arkham Knight - Rocksteady Games
Batman is back, and he's got some new gear. One piece being his car. The Batmobile looks like it's going to be an integral part of the game. As the Arkham Knight, which is an entirely new character to Batman, has forces of robot sentinels that patrol the streets. Being that Batman is all about the no killing thing, he has no remorse for them. There is also going to be a focus on Scarecrow and his nightmare serum.
Would I play this game? Yes
Uncharted 4: A Thief's End
Would I play this game? Yes
All right, so that last one wasn't very professional, but I'm super excited. Anyhow, let's tally up the score.
Destiny - Bungie
Destiny is shaping up to be something more than just Borderlands crossed with Halo. The story and setting are epic, and it just looks so damned gorgeous. There are multiplayer events that will allow players to drop in for boss fights, as well as a team deathmatch and other various standard multiplayer game types that will be included in the game. I'd love to take my Siren from Borderlands 2 online and pit her against other Vault Hunters. This is a cool idea that brings the personal touches of players to the multiplayer realm in more ways than color customization. Looking good out there Destiny
Would I play this game? Yes
The Order 1886 - Ready At Dawn Studios
It's getting harder and harder to tell the difference between cutscene quality graphics and gameplay with these new consoles. I have to look beyond the graphics to determine what makes the game. That being said, these graphics are mind blowingly amazing. Originally I though that this game was going to be an old timey Left 4 Dead game. Further investigation has revealed it to be much more than that. The game has players taking control of Galahad, yes that Galahad, who is a member of an elite squad of other immortals fighting an invisible war against werewolves and the like. Spooky, mysterious, and mystic, The Order 1886 looks to be an intriguing title exclusively for the PS4.
Would I play this game? Yes
Entwined - Pixel Opus
The first game from the studio, which is comprised of freshly graduated studios, Entwined is a game based on an old Chinese folk tale of two souls who are in love, but can never be together. This theme is reflected in its game mechanics as neither of the souls can cross the center divide. It's out now on the PSN for only 10 dollars. The game looks simple, but a short experience that is somewhat reminiscent of Flower.
Would I play this game? Maybe? It's hard to say, the mechanics are extremely simplistic and linear, unlike Flower which is more free form. Entwined gets a half point.
Infamous Second Son: First Light DLC - Sucker Punch
The Dead Rising 3 DLC didn't get a point, so neither will this one. That being said, this is a stand alone DLC, meaning that you don't need the game to play it.
Would I play this game? Yes, but it's DLC. No points
Little Big Planet 3 - Media Molecule
In an industry that is flooded with violence, it warms my heart to see something like Little Big Planet exists. Introducing new characters that introduce new mechanics to the game, as well as transferable user created content from Little Big Planet 2 to Little Big Planet 3. LBP 3 is going to be a lot of fun, plus it's just so darn cute.
Would I play this game? Yes
Bloodborne - From Software
Speaking of violent games..... Bloodborne comes from From Software, the creators of the wildly popular Dark Souls. This game looks gruesome, grotesque, and all about those zombies. There was a bit of "leaked" footage of the gameplay which seems to play the same way as other games made by From Software.
Would I play this game? No
Farcry 4 - Ubisoft
Taking place in a made up region in the Himalayas, Farcry 4 looks to be just about as crazy as 3. What the fourth installment brings to the table is a new character, new abilities, such as driving and shooting at the same time, and the ability for friends to drop in and drop out for missions and fortress take overs. Exclusive to the PS4, is the ability for PSN friends to play the game even if they don't have it. If you're going to get this game, get it on the PS4.
Would I play this game? Yes
Grim Fandango Remake - Double Fine
This is kind of a big deal. Grim Fandango has been lost to the waves of time, and now is making a resurgence. This is definitely one of the games that a gamer absolutely needs to play, or so I've been told. I missed out on a great era of PC gaming because I was too busy with my N64. Now that I have found my passion for video games, I find it necessary to go back and revisit the games that are considered classics.
Would I play this game? Most definitely.
Dead Island 2 - Deep Silver
Not quite as effective as the trailer for the original game, but that's okay. I got a chance to play the original Dead Rising game, and I can't say that I enjoyed it all that much. Dead Rising 2 is looking like it will continue the trend of showing us a really pretty and stylish cutscene without any gameplay in hopes that they will hook us. Fool us once, shame on you, fool us twice.... well, screw you
Would I play this game? No
Battlefield Hardline - Visceral Games
I have mixed feelings about this one. It's being made by Visceral Games, the creators of Dead Space. However, this just looks like another Battlefield game with a bank robber theme. Cops and Robbers is a fun concept when we were kids, but as adults we crave depth, and that comes in more forms than just explosions. So far, all I've seen on the game is just the multiplayer which seems to be a Battlefield game but with a bank robber theme. Not making a good impression here Visceral.
Would I play this game? No
Magicka 2
I loved the first Magicka game, but it was on PC when I played it. I'm somewhat unsure of how the game will play using a PS4 gamepad. The humor for the game is still intact, and so is the simplicity. Magicka is a game about being a wizard and having elements to combine to create spells. As players progress through Magicka they discover new spells which combine the elements in a specific order to cast a more effective spell. It's a lot of fun, and I'm looking forward to this game.
Would I play this game? Yes
Devolver showcase:
Much like the ID@XBOX there was a flurry of games that were shown, so I'll just give you a run down.
Broforce - No
Titan Souls - Yes
Not a Hero - Yes
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number - No
Now, if some of you questioning my "No" then allow me to explain that I'd rather play both of those games on PC.
The Talos Principle - Croteam
This game looks confusing and strange. It may be mysterious, but more in a way that is annoying and confusing than anything else. Plus, the game opened up with a view of the character walking up to a console like in Jonathan Blow's The Witness, also coming out for the PS4, and it wasn't.
Would I play this game? No
Let It Die - Suda 51
Violence for the sake of violence. Sure, that makes for a great game. I thought that this was a game by Suda 51, the wacky Japanese guy of video games, who makes weird trips rather than video games. Even if this thing does have a bit of punk rock to it, like Death on a skateboard, it's still going to be a senselessly violent game.
Would I play this game? No
Abzu - Giant Squid Studio
Oh, I am very much excited for this game. While it may only be coming out on the PS4, I still really want to play it. Being made by a few people from the team that made Journey, one of which being the composer, this game is going to be a beautiful and serene experience.
Would I play this game? Yes
No Man's Sky - Hello Games
You have no idea how much I am looking forward to this game. A procedurally generated UNIVERSE game that is all about exploration and discovery. That means that everything that the player sees, will be randomly generated. This expands to planets, creatures, caves, asteroid belts, fleets, space colonies, everything. That is mind blowing. Every player will have their own ship, which they can use to fly from planet to planet, or use to further explore their own, and by the way, planet hopping isn't a loading screen away. Oh no, you got to get there yourself. This game has the look of pulp science fiction novels that were written in the 1980s, and you get to walk around in them. This is a game that I can see myself spending a lot of time with when it comes out.
Would I play this game? You better believe it.
Not a game mention! Project Morpheus
I'm not sure if that is an allusion to The Matrix, but this VR headset looks to be a bit of an improvement upon the Oculus Rift. Reason being: it also uses the Playstation camera to track the players physical presence. I've heard that the VR of the Oculus Rift is so good that it makes experienced gamers want to reach out and touch something that isn't there. Having the Playstation camera being used in conjunction with tech that is comparable to that of the Oculus Rift just makes sense.
Half point for not being a game
Not game mention! Youtube and Twitch Integration
We all thought that it was lame when Sony announced that there was a share button on the PS4 controller, but you used it, and now that share button will now work with Youtube. Got a cool clip that you want to share? Hit that share button. Furthermore, if you want to stream a session of gaming, stream it on Twitch.tv, no crazy set up requited. Just a PS4 and an internet connection.
You get a whole point for this one Sony. Hope you like it.
Free to Play games
They're nothing new, but quality ones are hard to come by. Sony showed off a few games that were free to play that looked half way decent. Nothing to scoff at, but nothing to really keep anyone hooked. Except for Planetside 2, that looks cool.
Would I play any of these games? No
Playstation Now and Playstation TV
Here's an interesting couple of concepts. Playstation Now allows players to stream games to their PS4s and PS Vitas, so long as they have an internet connection and a Playstation Plus account. Having Playstation Now will give players access to a myriad of titles for the PS3 and past Sony consoles.
Playstation TV works similarly, in that players can stream PS4 games to another TV in the same household, as opposed to buying a second console. The unit also allows for PS Vita integration. This kind of makes sense, in that if you have a game that has co-op, but not split screen, you can stream it to the Playstation TV device and play with someone in another room, or just on another TV in the same room. Cool stuff.
A neat concept that I'm a little bit skeptical of. No points.
Mortal Kombat X - Netherealm Studios
This is a new Mortal Kombat. Plain and simple. However, there are new characters, new moves, new movesets and playstyles, the ability to interact with the environment, and because it's Mortal Kombat: Fatalities. Each character has three different fighting styles to choose from which basically offers up three times the character choice. Gorgeous, gory, and expertly crafted gameplay.
Would I play this game? Yes
More not game stuff!!!!!!
There was a lot at this conference that wasn't video games, but video game related. This time Sony announced a TV series that would be exclusively be able to be viewed on Playstation 3 and Playstation 4 consoles. The series is called Powers and it's based off of the graphic novel of the same name. Sony also announced a Ratchet and Clank Movie. The movie is being made by Rainmaker, who used to be Mainframe Entertainment creators of ReBoot. The presenter assured the audience that Insomniac, creators of Ratchet and Clank, were heavily involved in the creation of the movie.
Last of Us Remastered - Naughty Dog
The game has only been out for a year, and now it's getting an HD remake. The remake looks good. Really good. The remastered edition of The Last of Us will include the Left Behind DLC in addition to the full game. So that's nice.
Would I play this game? No
MGS V The Phantom Pain - Konami
It seems that quite a bit has happened between Metal Gear Solid 3 and Metal Gear Solid 5. I haven't followed the series since 3, because I just couldn't keep up with all of the intrigue and conspiracy that was going on in the story line. Now we see a Snake with a robot arm and a giant piece of shrapnel sticking out of his head. At least now he's got a cool eye patch.
Would I play this game? No
GTA V for PS4 - Rockstar
It's like the great games of last year are just being forced through customs to get to the new generation. This is the exact same game that you played on either your PS3 or Xbox 360. It sure does look prettier, and the streets are more populated with people and traffic. At least it will be more like LA on the traffic front.
Would I play this game? No
Batman Arkham Knight - Rocksteady Games
Batman is back, and he's got some new gear. One piece being his car. The Batmobile looks like it's going to be an integral part of the game. As the Arkham Knight, which is an entirely new character to Batman, has forces of robot sentinels that patrol the streets. Being that Batman is all about the no killing thing, he has no remorse for them. There is also going to be a focus on Scarecrow and his nightmare serum.
Would I play this game? Yes
Uncharted 4: A Thief's End
Would I play this game? Yes
All right, so that last one wasn't very professional, but I'm super excited. Anyhow, let's tally up the score.
E3 2014,
Game Review,
Video games,
E3 Press Conference Breakdown: Microsoft
It is apparently Game Journalism tradition to rate everything, including press conferences put on during E3. Not being one to break tradition, but still finding the whole thing completely arbitrary and inane, I'll take a swing at it. Being that this is my blog, and I can say whatever I please, this review of the press conferences are going to be a bit bias. I'll break down each press conference by pointing out the games that they showed off and whether or not I would play them. So, let's get to it. First up we have Microsoft and the Xbox One.
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare - Sledgehammer Games
I've haven't played a new Call of Duty game since Modern Warfare 2. It looks as though I will continue that tradition with the upcoming Call of Duty game. Sure it has Kevin Spacey, but that doesn't interest me much at all. This is the preview that was shown at the press conference, and I had no idea what was going on. Who was the enemy? How did they get such weaponry? Where are we? What kind of person reloads after only firing four shots to kill one guy? Can I use the jet pack all the time, or only when the game tells me I can?
A cool feature of the game, is that it looked as though the gun can swap modes. That, or I blinked when the player switched guns and all of the weapons look the same. The grenades have different modes to choose from, though it looks like the "smart" mode would be the choice to go with all the time.
Would I play this game? No.
Forza Horizon 2 - Playground Games
I didn't play the first Forza Horizon game because, as much as I like racing games, the whole open world thing doesn't jive with me. Putting cars in an open world environment where you can go anywhere doesn't make much sense, because you remain in that car forever, and can't do anything. It's like trying to create a dramatic world with only using Hotwheels. It's like putting characters from a fighting game in a hack n' slash game: it just doesn't quite work. Racing games belong on a track. On the other hand, the game does look very pretty, and the dynamic weather makes it a technological feat.
Would I play this game? No.
Evolve - Turtlerock Studios
You've probably seen this preview enough times on your YouTube videos that you don't need to watch the above one. Anyhow, this game concept is very exciting. Four players take on one player in a very interesting game. The four players hunt down the one who is in control of a giant monster which can evolve into a bigger and better one. The monster player has to kill the various wildlife running about the landscape, at the cost of making a bunch of noise and leaving a trail for the four hunters to go after him.
Would I play this game? Yes. Very yes!
Assassin's Creed: Unity - Ubisoft
Assassin's Creed has now become a yearly release title, and this one looks to be even better than all the others. What makes it different, other than the setting, is the ability to play with others. There are Co-Op missions in this new game of Assassin's Creed. With proper communication and coordination, players can expertly complete their missions. Assassin's Creed has always been one for detail and nuance, which means that in this state of political unrest in France, players can kill a few choice guards, and will trigger the raucous citizens to revolt and fight back. The Assassins can definitely use this mechanic as slight of hand and a good distraction to get away from pursuers if they aren't in the mood to fight.
Would I play this game? Yes.
Side Note: All ready there has been some controversy over this, and another Ubisoft game, which I will be getting around to reviewing later to day when I rewatch the Ubisoft press conference, and that is the lack of playable female characters. Ubisoft claims that there has been too much of a work load to bother with the animation of playable female characters. I, like many other people out there, am calling bullshit on this one. While I am no game designer, and don't understand the complexities of making a video game, let alone one for this new generation of consoles and technology, Ubisoft is a company that has the most employees in the video game industry. Also, this is an Assassin's Creed game, which means that there are probably seven different branches of Ubisoft studios working on the title. There should be no reason as to why you couldn't have included at least one playable female character. From what I've read, it's that players will be consistently playing as the main character Arno, but the gameplay preview above proves otherwise. Just sayin'.
Dragon Age: Inquisition - Bioware
The fantasy genre is not my jam, however, I do love me some Dragon Age. The characters and story are engaging enough to keep me interested despite there not being any guns, jetpacks, giant robots, flying cars, or electric guitars. Dragon Age Inquistion seems to go back to the photorealistic, or just plain good graphics, of the first Dragon Age game, but maintains the culture of the second. I'd very much like to play this game, though I should probably beat number two before I jump in. It's the principle of the thing.
Would I play this game? Yes.
Sunset Overdive - Insomniac Games
Rock and fucking roll. Coming from Insomniac games, creators of the Ratched and Clank games, they're getting back to their roots of making over the top and just plain fun games. This game is rock and roll and I just am in love with it. Incredibly stylized, and super fluid gameplay make this Xbox One exclusive a damn good reason to get the console.
Would I play this game? Hell yeah!
Super Ultra Dead Rising 3 Arcade Remix Hyper Edition EX Plus Alpha (it's DLC)
This is DLC for a game that went off the book, and decided to make a serious game for a not so serious franchise. This is DLC that brings it back to the Dead Rising that we know and love, but takes it up to 11.
Would I buy this DLC? No, because this is "Would I play this game?" NOT "Would I buy this DLC" GET OUTTA HERE!
Dance Central: Spotlight - Harmonix
I like Dance Central games. Being that this is going to be on the Xbox One with the improved Kinect, this is definitely worth playing. Dance Central made the Kinect fun to play with, and it will do the same for this one. Had I an Xbox One with a Kinect, then I sure get this game. Until then, I can only dance.
Would I play this game? Yes
Fantasia: Music Evolved - Harmonix
Interesting. Harmonix is a group of musicians first, and game developers second. They made the original Guitar Hero games by covering all of the songs that were featured, and then made them playable. This seems to be in the same fashion with the different genres of music that players can choose from. Each song has select versions to choose from, and it won't just be classical orchestra.
Would I play this game? Yes, though probably only for a few nights over a rental
Fable: Legends - Lionhead Studios
Fable has eluded me over the years. The only experience that I've really had with the series is Fable III, which I had to review. I, along with everyone else who played it, universally agree that it was a bad game. This new Fable game looks like a pretty standard fantasy setting third person action title with cooperative multiplayer elements and over talkative characters. Ripping a page straight out of the design book from Evolve, this game is also about the 4 v 1 mode. Fable Legends lets one player be the villain, as they can design the dungeons which other players will delve into. By setting traps and arranging enemy placement, the villain can control the battlefield while the other players fight back.
Would I play this game? No. I'd rather play Evolve.
Project Spark
This looks to be a very ambitious title that will allow players to create their own game. With both fantasy and science fiction settings to choose from, players will have full control over the kind of game they want to make. Side scrolling platformers, hack and slash, adventure games, puzzle games, board games, first person shooters third person shooters, RPGs, strategy games, racers, if you can think it up, you can make it. Creativity is not my strong suit, and looking through all of the different custom games made in Little Big Planet two was a confusing and somewhat frightening affair. If the tutorial is comprehensive, and the showcase system is well organized, then this might make something very special out of the Xbox One. Maybe we might see some great game developers come from this. What if games are made exclusively using this game? What if this becomes a sub platform of the Xbox One? Who knows? There is a lot of potential for this game.
Oh, and also Conker. Maybe you can put him back in a go-kart where he belongs...
Would I play this game? Yes.
Ori and the Blind Forest - Moon Studios
This game looks like it's going to make me cry.
Ten years after Halo 2, they are finally making an HD remake. Oh, and they're also including the original Halo: Combat Evolved, Halo 3, and Halo 4. Each one of these games are running with the original game engines, which means that each one will play and feel exactly as they did when you played them for the first time. This is absolutely fantastic news as I spent countless hours playing Halo 2 on Xbox Live so many years ago. The Master Chief Collection also includes a beta for Halo 5 multiplayer, but who cares? Halo 2 multiplayer!
Would I play this game? Yes.
Side Note: During the press conference, the presenter made a point to mention that the game will have 4000 gamerscore of achievements. Who cares?
Inside - Playdead Studios
This game comes to us from the same studio that made LIMBO. What is with these guys and putting small boys in dangerous situations? I really liked LIMBO, the dark atmosphere and grim setting made it worth playing through. This one has a bit more color to it and a much more dystopian setting.
Would I play this game? Yes.... eventually. Look, it took me a while to get around to LIMBO, it'll probably be the same for this.
This is a new program from Xbox that wants to bring indie titles into the spotlight. I'm all for this. So, because so many games where showcased, and I don't want to overextend this post with a bunch of videos, I'll just list all of the ones that were shown during the conference trailer.
Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime - Yes
Plague Inc. Evolved - No
Below - Yes
White Night - Yes
Aztez - Yes
Knight Squad - No
Earth Lock - No
Cup Head - Yes
Hyper Light Drifter - Yes
Slash Dash - Yes
Lifeless Planet - No
Mighty No. 9 - Yes
Grave - No
Threes - No (It's a mobile game, play it on your phone not your Xbox home console)
Fru - No
Fenix Rage - No
Woolfe - No
Hell Raid - No
Rise of the Tomb Raider - Crystal Dynamics
I've never played a Tomb Raider game in my life. However, with the recent reboot of the franchise, making Laura Croft a more mature character, with a story that is engrossing and realistic, perhaps I should change my stance on the franchise. It looks like it's a lot more than Uncharted with a lady lead.
Would I play this game? Yes
Witcher III - CD Projekt
I have yet to get around to the Witcher franchise. I'm pretty sure that I could dive into this one here, and be fine, but having never played the other two it wouldn't feel right. This game looks totally boss, and worth playing, so I'll give it a yes, but only after playing at least the second game, which is what everyone else recommends.
Also, this game is made by the same studio that has made the other games: CD Projekt. These people are crazy about delivering a true RPG experience. Which means that players will have to think about their next moves. As you see in the trailer above, the demonstrator prepares before jumping right into the hunt for the griffin. I'm not so good at thinking ahead when it comes to those things...
Would I play this game? Yes
Phantom Dust HD Remake - Microsoft Studios
Awesome. I never played Phantom Dust for the original Xbox, but it was apparently a cult classic. I like cult classics, and I like the idea of HD remakes as they revitalize older games that were overlooked. Let's hope that this remake gets its time to shine once again, and hopefully make a splash.
Would I play this game? Yes.
Tom Clancy's The Division - Ubisoft
Ubisoft has a thing for its team based tactical shooters, and it likes to show them off with people who are unrealistically cooperative, patient, and friendly. That being said, The Division looks sick (HA! that's a pun, because the game takes place in a world where everyone died from a virus). Open world co-op is a great idea, and the setting is really cool. I would love to slink down the streets of this desolate New York with my crew as we take back society and rebuild.
Would I play this game? Yes
Scalebound - Platinum Games
From the creators of Bayonetta comes this gem. Players look like they take control of a dude who has a dragon for a friend and a sword that can absorb enemy attributes. Plus, he's got a pair of sweet headphones, that he actually uses. I was afraid they would be just an aesthetic choice. Players look like they will be taking on some insanely large beasts that look as though they were ripped straight out of Magic: The Gathering. At the end of the trailer, there were other dragon mounted dudes flying towards the hydra. Could that mean Co-Op action? I hope so.
Would I play this game? Yes
Crackdown is a game about super powered cops in a city that has been overrun with gangs. To be honest, I didn't really like Crackdown, and I heard that Crackdown 2 was rather mediocre. This looks to be about the same was as the others, with the possibility of destructible environments. For now, all we have is the trailer.
Would I play this game? No
That was everything that was shown at the Microsoft E3 2014 press conference.
Total Score: 22/37
What are your thoughts on this years E3?
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare - Sledgehammer Games
I've haven't played a new Call of Duty game since Modern Warfare 2. It looks as though I will continue that tradition with the upcoming Call of Duty game. Sure it has Kevin Spacey, but that doesn't interest me much at all. This is the preview that was shown at the press conference, and I had no idea what was going on. Who was the enemy? How did they get such weaponry? Where are we? What kind of person reloads after only firing four shots to kill one guy? Can I use the jet pack all the time, or only when the game tells me I can?
A cool feature of the game, is that it looked as though the gun can swap modes. That, or I blinked when the player switched guns and all of the weapons look the same. The grenades have different modes to choose from, though it looks like the "smart" mode would be the choice to go with all the time.
Would I play this game? No.
Forza Horizon 2 - Playground Games
I didn't play the first Forza Horizon game because, as much as I like racing games, the whole open world thing doesn't jive with me. Putting cars in an open world environment where you can go anywhere doesn't make much sense, because you remain in that car forever, and can't do anything. It's like trying to create a dramatic world with only using Hotwheels. It's like putting characters from a fighting game in a hack n' slash game: it just doesn't quite work. Racing games belong on a track. On the other hand, the game does look very pretty, and the dynamic weather makes it a technological feat.
Would I play this game? No.
Evolve - Turtlerock Studios
You've probably seen this preview enough times on your YouTube videos that you don't need to watch the above one. Anyhow, this game concept is very exciting. Four players take on one player in a very interesting game. The four players hunt down the one who is in control of a giant monster which can evolve into a bigger and better one. The monster player has to kill the various wildlife running about the landscape, at the cost of making a bunch of noise and leaving a trail for the four hunters to go after him.
Would I play this game? Yes. Very yes!
Assassin's Creed: Unity - Ubisoft
Assassin's Creed has now become a yearly release title, and this one looks to be even better than all the others. What makes it different, other than the setting, is the ability to play with others. There are Co-Op missions in this new game of Assassin's Creed. With proper communication and coordination, players can expertly complete their missions. Assassin's Creed has always been one for detail and nuance, which means that in this state of political unrest in France, players can kill a few choice guards, and will trigger the raucous citizens to revolt and fight back. The Assassins can definitely use this mechanic as slight of hand and a good distraction to get away from pursuers if they aren't in the mood to fight.
Would I play this game? Yes.
Side Note: All ready there has been some controversy over this, and another Ubisoft game, which I will be getting around to reviewing later to day when I rewatch the Ubisoft press conference, and that is the lack of playable female characters. Ubisoft claims that there has been too much of a work load to bother with the animation of playable female characters. I, like many other people out there, am calling bullshit on this one. While I am no game designer, and don't understand the complexities of making a video game, let alone one for this new generation of consoles and technology, Ubisoft is a company that has the most employees in the video game industry. Also, this is an Assassin's Creed game, which means that there are probably seven different branches of Ubisoft studios working on the title. There should be no reason as to why you couldn't have included at least one playable female character. From what I've read, it's that players will be consistently playing as the main character Arno, but the gameplay preview above proves otherwise. Just sayin'.
Dragon Age: Inquisition - Bioware
The fantasy genre is not my jam, however, I do love me some Dragon Age. The characters and story are engaging enough to keep me interested despite there not being any guns, jetpacks, giant robots, flying cars, or electric guitars. Dragon Age Inquistion seems to go back to the photorealistic, or just plain good graphics, of the first Dragon Age game, but maintains the culture of the second. I'd very much like to play this game, though I should probably beat number two before I jump in. It's the principle of the thing.
Would I play this game? Yes.
Sunset Overdive - Insomniac Games
Rock and fucking roll. Coming from Insomniac games, creators of the Ratched and Clank games, they're getting back to their roots of making over the top and just plain fun games. This game is rock and roll and I just am in love with it. Incredibly stylized, and super fluid gameplay make this Xbox One exclusive a damn good reason to get the console.
Would I play this game? Hell yeah!
Super Ultra Dead Rising 3 Arcade Remix Hyper Edition EX Plus Alpha (it's DLC)
This is DLC for a game that went off the book, and decided to make a serious game for a not so serious franchise. This is DLC that brings it back to the Dead Rising that we know and love, but takes it up to 11.
Would I buy this DLC? No, because this is "Would I play this game?" NOT "Would I buy this DLC" GET OUTTA HERE!
Dance Central: Spotlight - Harmonix
I like Dance Central games. Being that this is going to be on the Xbox One with the improved Kinect, this is definitely worth playing. Dance Central made the Kinect fun to play with, and it will do the same for this one. Had I an Xbox One with a Kinect, then I sure get this game. Until then, I can only dance.
Would I play this game? Yes
Fantasia: Music Evolved - Harmonix
Interesting. Harmonix is a group of musicians first, and game developers second. They made the original Guitar Hero games by covering all of the songs that were featured, and then made them playable. This seems to be in the same fashion with the different genres of music that players can choose from. Each song has select versions to choose from, and it won't just be classical orchestra.
Would I play this game? Yes, though probably only for a few nights over a rental
Fable: Legends - Lionhead Studios
Fable has eluded me over the years. The only experience that I've really had with the series is Fable III, which I had to review. I, along with everyone else who played it, universally agree that it was a bad game. This new Fable game looks like a pretty standard fantasy setting third person action title with cooperative multiplayer elements and over talkative characters. Ripping a page straight out of the design book from Evolve, this game is also about the 4 v 1 mode. Fable Legends lets one player be the villain, as they can design the dungeons which other players will delve into. By setting traps and arranging enemy placement, the villain can control the battlefield while the other players fight back.
Would I play this game? No. I'd rather play Evolve.
Project Spark
This looks to be a very ambitious title that will allow players to create their own game. With both fantasy and science fiction settings to choose from, players will have full control over the kind of game they want to make. Side scrolling platformers, hack and slash, adventure games, puzzle games, board games, first person shooters third person shooters, RPGs, strategy games, racers, if you can think it up, you can make it. Creativity is not my strong suit, and looking through all of the different custom games made in Little Big Planet two was a confusing and somewhat frightening affair. If the tutorial is comprehensive, and the showcase system is well organized, then this might make something very special out of the Xbox One. Maybe we might see some great game developers come from this. What if games are made exclusively using this game? What if this becomes a sub platform of the Xbox One? Who knows? There is a lot of potential for this game.
Oh, and also Conker. Maybe you can put him back in a go-kart where he belongs...
Would I play this game? Yes.
Ori and the Blind Forest - Moon Studios
Would I play this game? Yes
Halo: The Master Chief Collection - 343 Industries
Ten years after Halo 2, they are finally making an HD remake. Oh, and they're also including the original Halo: Combat Evolved, Halo 3, and Halo 4. Each one of these games are running with the original game engines, which means that each one will play and feel exactly as they did when you played them for the first time. This is absolutely fantastic news as I spent countless hours playing Halo 2 on Xbox Live so many years ago. The Master Chief Collection also includes a beta for Halo 5 multiplayer, but who cares? Halo 2 multiplayer!
Would I play this game? Yes.
Side Note: During the press conference, the presenter made a point to mention that the game will have 4000 gamerscore of achievements. Who cares?
Inside - Playdead Studios
This game comes to us from the same studio that made LIMBO. What is with these guys and putting small boys in dangerous situations? I really liked LIMBO, the dark atmosphere and grim setting made it worth playing through. This one has a bit more color to it and a much more dystopian setting.
Would I play this game? Yes.... eventually. Look, it took me a while to get around to LIMBO, it'll probably be the same for this.
This is a new program from Xbox that wants to bring indie titles into the spotlight. I'm all for this. So, because so many games where showcased, and I don't want to overextend this post with a bunch of videos, I'll just list all of the ones that were shown during the conference trailer.
Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime - Yes
Plague Inc. Evolved - No
Below - Yes
White Night - Yes
Aztez - Yes
Knight Squad - No
Earth Lock - No
Cup Head - Yes
Hyper Light Drifter - Yes
Slash Dash - Yes
Lifeless Planet - No
Mighty No. 9 - Yes
Grave - No
Threes - No (It's a mobile game, play it on your phone not your Xbox home console)
Fru - No
Fenix Rage - No
Woolfe - No
Hell Raid - No
Rise of the Tomb Raider - Crystal Dynamics
I've never played a Tomb Raider game in my life. However, with the recent reboot of the franchise, making Laura Croft a more mature character, with a story that is engrossing and realistic, perhaps I should change my stance on the franchise. It looks like it's a lot more than Uncharted with a lady lead.
Would I play this game? Yes
Witcher III - CD Projekt
I have yet to get around to the Witcher franchise. I'm pretty sure that I could dive into this one here, and be fine, but having never played the other two it wouldn't feel right. This game looks totally boss, and worth playing, so I'll give it a yes, but only after playing at least the second game, which is what everyone else recommends.
Also, this game is made by the same studio that has made the other games: CD Projekt. These people are crazy about delivering a true RPG experience. Which means that players will have to think about their next moves. As you see in the trailer above, the demonstrator prepares before jumping right into the hunt for the griffin. I'm not so good at thinking ahead when it comes to those things...
Would I play this game? Yes
Phantom Dust HD Remake - Microsoft Studios
Awesome. I never played Phantom Dust for the original Xbox, but it was apparently a cult classic. I like cult classics, and I like the idea of HD remakes as they revitalize older games that were overlooked. Let's hope that this remake gets its time to shine once again, and hopefully make a splash.
Would I play this game? Yes.
Tom Clancy's The Division - Ubisoft
Ubisoft has a thing for its team based tactical shooters, and it likes to show them off with people who are unrealistically cooperative, patient, and friendly. That being said, The Division looks sick (HA! that's a pun, because the game takes place in a world where everyone died from a virus). Open world co-op is a great idea, and the setting is really cool. I would love to slink down the streets of this desolate New York with my crew as we take back society and rebuild.
Would I play this game? Yes
Scalebound - Platinum Games
From the creators of Bayonetta comes this gem. Players look like they take control of a dude who has a dragon for a friend and a sword that can absorb enemy attributes. Plus, he's got a pair of sweet headphones, that he actually uses. I was afraid they would be just an aesthetic choice. Players look like they will be taking on some insanely large beasts that look as though they were ripped straight out of Magic: The Gathering. At the end of the trailer, there were other dragon mounted dudes flying towards the hydra. Could that mean Co-Op action? I hope so.
Would I play this game? Yes
Crackdown is a game about super powered cops in a city that has been overrun with gangs. To be honest, I didn't really like Crackdown, and I heard that Crackdown 2 was rather mediocre. This looks to be about the same was as the others, with the possibility of destructible environments. For now, all we have is the trailer.
Would I play this game? No
That was everything that was shown at the Microsoft E3 2014 press conference.
Total Score: 22/37
What are your thoughts on this years E3?
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